GAIA: New Approaches
‘Life does more than adapt to the earth. It changes the earth for it’s own purposes’
Gaia Theory: The earth is a living organism - built by interlocking processes of evolution, feedback and exchange. Or at least, some people think it is. Others think it’s got nothing to do with that at all. And most people (like us) are basically confused.
Fat Git Theatre and the IATL Student Ensemble are picking through the bones of environmental science. What’s true? What’s false? What’s needlessly intimidating? What’s tragically understated? And finally - where do we go to survive?
Fifteen writers have teamed up with twelve performers under the guidance of Fat Git Theatre to create a performance - taking inspiration from cycles of feedback the writers and performers have been creating, editing, drafting and redrafting each other’s work in an innovative system of weekly collaboration, feedback and exchange.
On March 7th and 8th we’re going to share our work. If you want to come and see the fruits of this ambitious labour, and experience what theatre feels like when it’s created in a truly cyclical process, come and have a look.
There will be three performances (with limited capacity) so please book a place by emailing
SATURDAY 7 MARCH at 2.30pm & 5.30pm and SUNDAY 8 MARCH at 2.30pm only, Humanities Studio, University of Warwick
For more information about the Student Ensemble, please click here.
For more information about Fat Git Theatre, please visit: