Nat das Neves Rodrigues Lopes- Sun, Spectroscopy, Sunscreens and Students (and Ratatouille)
Tuesday 24th July 11.00 am, Pizza @ 12.15 pm Chemistry, C5.21
Throughout her PhD, Nat played an active role in teaching in the undergraduate labs and, with collaboration from Dr. Russ Kitson, Dr. Neil Cole-Filipiak and Dr. Dan Murdock, was awarded a £3000 Academic Fellowship from the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) to develop an undergraduate experiment that was based on her own research. In this talk, Nat will explore the reasoning behind the design of this experiment, as well as presenting some interesting observations from student feedback and proposing a vision for the future of chemistry undergraduate labs.
Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris Visit
Thursday 21- Friday 22 June, 2018 | University of Warwick
Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris, co-founders of Digital Pedagogy Lab and Hybrid Pedagogy – a digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology will be coming back to the University of Warwick for two days in June.
British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2018
Thursday 12 - Friday 13 April 2018 | University of Sheffield
The British Conference of Undergraduate Research meets annually every spring in a different British university and promotes undergraduate research in all disciplines via papers, posters, workshops and performances.
Critical reflection on organisation practice at a UK university through scholarship of teaching and learning: measuring impact
Thursday 22 March 2018, 16:00-18:00 | Teaching Grid
This WIHEA seminar will be delivered by former IATL Director Paul Taylor, now a Pro Dean for Student Education at the University of Leeds. It will include critical accounts of work at Leeds, and new research exploring how ‘high impact experiences’ such as undergraduate research affect the world beyond the university.
WIHEA Masterclass - Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education: the challenges for academic staff
Wednesday 14 March 2018, 13:30-15:30 | Teaching Grid
This masterclass was delivered by Dr Ruth Caleb, Head of Counselling at Brunel University London, and provided an opportunity to discuss student mental health and wellbeing, including the national context and the challenges for academic staff. It was organised by IATL’s Elena Riva with funding from the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA).
Teaching across thresholds: radical virtue epistemology in secondary and higher education
Tuesday 13 February 2018, 14:00-16:00 | Collaboration Space, Teaching Grid (Library)
This workshop, by former IATL team member Phil Gaydon, took radical virtue epistemology – which asserts that knowledge is not static, but a dramatic moment, a lived experience, and a passionate embodiment of our most deeply held values – and explored precisely what it entails for education, and its potential to engage students.
IATL Workshop on Movement for Staff and Students
Wednesday 24 January 2018, 13:00-18:00 | Ramphal Building, R0.12
Open to all Warwick staff members and students, this workshop aimed to establish an interdisciplinary discussion between academics and students on the basic ideas of ‘movement’, ‘motion capture’, and the ‘function’ of the human body. It was informed by the student-focussed IATL Workshop on Movement held on 1 November.
Screening of the documentary Brotherhood
Tuesday 23 January 2018, 19:15-21:00 (approx.) | OC0.03, The Oculus
Funded through IATL's Student as Producer (Research) scheme, Brotherhood is a documentary which aims to start a conversation addressing the current narrative of the young black man, giving a voice to boys who have not previously been able to share their own narratives. The screening was followed by a panel discussion about the film and the issues it raises.
Creativity in Assessment
Tuesday 28 November 2017, 10:00-12:00 | Teaching Grid | free
In this interactive workshop, Dr Elena Riva (IATL) and Sally Tissington (Centre for Lifelong Learning), from science and arts backgrounds respectively, shared their outlooks and experiences, both having worked with a wide range of students from diverse backgrounds.
Symposium: How to Make Decisions and Influence People (in Medicine)
Monday 27 November 2017, 17:00-19:00 | The Oculus, OC0.05
Currently, factors impacting patient decision-making in medicine are poorly characterized. This symposium showcased research comparing the impact of four factors on patient decision-making regarding non-life-threatening medical procedures: medical professionals, self, family and life circumstances.
It also featured a Q&A with an esteemed panel of experts to discuss the bioethical implications in patient decision-making.
Community Engagement: Developing and Sustaining Community Partnerships for Student Participation in Community-Engaged Learning and Research
Monday 13 November 2017, 9:30–13:00 | Humanities Studio | free
This symposium/workshop brought together teaching staff, researchers, practitioners and voluntary sector representatives from Warwick and elsewhere, to consider what works in student-community engagement, and how such engagement can best be developed and sustained in ways that benefit HE pedagogy, create knowledge, and have positive social impacts. Discussions were led off by guest speakers from two of the UK's longest-standing examples of sustained student-community engagement programmes and facilitated by Mark Hinton from the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
Events delivered by International Visiting Teaching Fellows
During the period Friday 20 October – Friday 3 November 2017 | Teaching Grid
Hosted by IATL and funded by WIHEA, International Visiting Teaching Fellows Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel delivered a series of events throughout late October and early November, including: three workshops (Student Agency in Digital Spaces, Critical Instructional Design, and Innovative Approaches to Assessment in Digital and Hybrid Pedagogies), a public lecture, roundtable discussion and Digital Pedagogy Lab Warwick.
IATL Workshop on Movement
Wednesday 1 November 2017, 13:00-17:00 | International Portal (R0.12), Ramphal Building | open to all Warwick undergraduates
This workshop aimed to introduce students to the basic ideas of ‘movement’, ‘motion capture’, the ‘function’ of the human body and how these can be explored and understood from an interdisciplinary perspective. It featured a hands-on session in Warwick’s Gait Laboratory.
Emerge Festival 2017
Monday 30 – Tuesday 31 October 2017 | Warwick Arts Centre
A two-day festival that celebrated and continued to develop the exciting work of Warwick alumni theatre companies (including Clown Funeral, Barrel Organ, Emergency Chorus and Breach). Through panels, performances and discussions, Emerge 2017 addressed questions surrounding the complex world we live in today.
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2017
Tuesday 26 – Wednesday 27 September 2017 | The Oculus
ICUR is an exclusively undergraduate forum designed to showcase the very best in undergraduate research. The 2017 event joined together students from as many as ten universities and campuses, across five continents, through the use of cutting-edge video conferencing technology.
Symposium on Humanitarian Engineering
Monday 3 - Tuesday 4 July 2017 | MS01, Zeeman Building
This symposium brought together scientists, engineers and practitioners from across academia, industry and non-governmental organisations to discuss, share and promote current research and developments into four interconnected themes linked to economic, sociocultural and environmental sustainability: urban infrastructure provision and design for sociocultural sustainability; humanitarian challenges and practices; risk and resilience in urban centres; and interdisciplinary training and education for tackling humanitarian challenges.
Learning and Teaching Showcase 2017
Monday 3 July 2017, 10:00-16:30 | The Oculus
Warwick's annual Learning and Teaching Showcase provides an opportunity to share and celebrate the many ways in which we encourage, facilitate, and inspire learning. This year's theme was learning communities.
Creation 2.0
Sunday 25 June 2017, 13:00-14:30 | Humanities Studio
Creation 2.0 is a play about a laboratory, in which the impossible is made possible, and genetics is pushed further than had been possible. But what does that mean, and who will it jeopardise? This rehearsed reading was funded by IATL as a Student as Producer (Performance) project and was open to all.
British Art Since 1707 - Exhibition and Performance
Sunday 18 June 2017, exhibition 12:00-19:30, performance 19:30 | Humanities Studio
This experimental IATL Student as Producer (Performance) project combined exhibition and performance in an attempt to revisit 300 years of British art and see what it was all about. It was free, open to all, and included a drop-in installation 12:00-19:30 and a performance from 19:30, both streamed live online.
'Genetics: Science and Society' IATL Module Exhibition
Monday 12 – Thursday 15 June 2017 | Library foyer
This exhibition showcased the paintings, artworks, posters, stories, videos, websites and podcasts produced by his year's cohort of cross-faculty students on 'Genetics: Science and Society' for their self-devised assessment. It offered the opportunity to explore and celebrate the great ideas of the students and learn more about genetics and its impact on society and popular art.
British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2017
Wednesday 25 – Thursday 26 April 2017 | Bournemouth University
BCUR promotes undergraduate research in all disciplines. The Conference meets annually every Spring in a different British university. Undergraduates of all levels are invited to submit papers, posters, workshops and performances to the Conference. Abstracts are peer-reviewed and those accepted are invited to attend the conference.
IATL Module Fair
Wednesday 26 April 2017, 12:00-14:00 | Students' Union Atrium
An opportunity to find out about IATL modules for 2017/18 (available to all undergraduates in year 2 or above, with home department approval) and discuss them with the convenors and IATL team. We are also happy to attend departmental fairs; please just get in touch: IATL dot modules at warwick dot ac dot uk.
Student as Producer Performances of 'A Portrait of the Universe'
Wednesday 15 March 2017, 19:00-20:00 | Humanities Studio
Audience members were invited to experience the entire history and future of the universe in the space of under an hour! There were metaphors but no interval.
Should we ban television advertising aimed at children?
Thursday 23 February 2017, 10:00 – 16:00 | Teaching Grid, Library
Undergraduates and postgraduates were invited to take part in this unique, IATL-funded public policy event modelled on a Citizens' Jury. Participants deliberated about and voted on public policy concerning advertising to children on television, all in the presence of expert witnesses from academia and industry.
Getting Started in Pedagogical Research
Thursday 19 January 2017, 12:00-14:00 | Teaching Grid, Library
WIHEA, IATL & Monash University invited WIHEA Fellows, WIHEA Members and IATL funding recipients to join Dr Chris Thompson, Associate Dean (Education) & Senior Lecturer at Monash University, in a workshop for those new to the field of pedagogical research. Chris, who himself made the transition from disciplinary expert (Chemistry) to performing research in pedagogy, is well placed to dissect the challenges posed by such a move.
WIHEA Masterclass: Is there a future for the lecture?
Wednesday 18 January 2017, 14:00-16:00 | Teaching Grid, Library
WIHEA, IATL & Monash University invited Warwick staff to join Dr Chris Thompson, Associate Dean (Education) & Senior Lecturer at Monash University, in an interactive workshop around the theme of lectures, and what relevance they still hold in a modern higher education system.
Drug Laws: The Worst Censorship of Research since the Catholic Church Banned the Telescope
Wednesday 11 January 2017, 18:30-20:30 | Room 0.004, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
This free public lecture, which contributed to the IATL module Censorship and Society, was delivered by Prof. David Nutt, the Edmond J Safra Chair and Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College, London, who is perhaps best known as 'the scientist who was sacked' by the Home Secretary because he compared the harms of horse-riding with taking ecstasy.
Re-shaping the Learning Environment: IATL Funding for Staff
Wednesday 14 December 2016, 10:00-16:00 (approx.) | The Oculus, University of Warwick
From small-scale Pedagogic Interventions to large-scale Strategic Projects, IATL has funded and supported a wide range of innovative and creative teaching and learning projects. This event provided a platform for a number of these projects to share ideas and techniques across the wider Warwick community.
Climate Change: Life and Death
Friday 9 December 2016, 10:00-12:00 | MS.02, Zeeman Building
A special lecture, as part of the IATL module 'Challenges of Climate Change', from John Broome, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford and one of the lead authors of the 5th IPCC report on Climate Change. The lecture was open to all and was followed by a round table discussion.
Data Science for Public Health Outcomes Using R
Fridays 4, 11, 25 November & 2 December 2016 | University of Warwick
This free workshop series, supported through an IATL-funded project, aimed to give students hands on experience of analysing large health related datasets in R. Students learnt how to procure data using online sources such as Google and, understand how to choose the appropriate statistical methods and avoid common statistical pitfalls.
Character & Ethics in Legal Practice Workshop
Wednesday 23 November 2016, 14:00-15:00 | Room S0.21
This workshop (supported by IATL funding) paved the way to an accredited online course of the same name, designed by leading experts for students contemplating legal careers. It covered common ethical issues arising in legal practice, the current regulatory regime, and decision-making. Please contact Michael Webster for more information:
A Being ObJECTIVE: preview screening and discussion
Thursday 17 November 2016, 14:00 | University of Warwick
This short film, which uniquely includes drawings from students and staff across different university departments, playfully questions how objective we can really be in research. It is an IATL-funded project, a collaboration between artist in residence in the Chemistry Department, Mary Courtney, independent film-maker-animator Laurence Campbell, and academics and students from a range of disciplines.
A New World…Out of Nothing
Wednesday 16 November 2016 | University of Warwick
This interactive, interdisciplinary workshop told the story of how a non-Euclidean geometry was created in the 19th century, "out of nothing." Participants were introduced to new ways of seeing distance and shapes, and explored how the new geometry influenced work in the arts, literature and fiction, and how it was the basis of some fundamental discoveries in physics, such as relativity.
What is Warwick doing to address the challenges faced by cities and the people that live in them?
Monday 31 October 2016, 09:00-13:00 | R1.13, Ramphal Building
This Sustainable Cities GRP event celebrated UN World Cities Day by showcasing cities research at Warwick. It offered the opportunity to advance university-wide relationships and to learn more about research opportunities linked to cities. The IATL-funded project 'Paving the way towards a Warwick Humanitarian Engineering Centre' featured.
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2016
Tuesday 27 - Wednesday 28 September 2016 | University of Warwick
ICUR is an annual, two-day conference that brings together hundreds of students across five continents and allows participants to present their work from their home university to an international and interdisciplinary audience. It is an exclusively undergraduate forum designed to showcase the best in undergraduate research.
Evaluating the Outdoor Learning Experience
Friday 23 September 2016, 10:00-16:30 | Bute Park Education Centre, Cardiff
Participants were encouraged to consider theories behind evaluation methods and share their experiences of putting them into practice. The event was open to people from outdoor learning organisations, including those involved in environmental management. See: Evaluating the Outdoor Learning Experience: A Toolkit for Practitioners.
Shakespeare: Performance and Practice Summer School
Sunday 3 July - Thursday 11 August 2016 | Queen Mary University of London
This unique programme offers conservatoire-style theatre training combined with academic content delivered by experts in Shakespearean theatre and performance. It offers the chance to develop a deeper understanding of Shakespeare's plays through a parallel approach of performance practice and academic study.
Smart clothing workshop
Tuesday 12 July 2016, 09:30 - 16:30 | International Institute for Product and Service Innovation (IIPSI), WMG
In this workshop participants used co-design methods and prototyping tools to model their own smart clothing, with guidance from experts, contributing to a future European and UK funding proposal on 'Smart Clothing to Self-Manage Chronic Diseases'. The workshop was supported by IATL (through the Pedagogic Intervention of Dr Elisavet Dimitrokali in WMG) and the Behavioural Sciences GRP.
Humanitarian Engineering Symposium
Monday 4 – Tuesday 5 July 2016 | MS.03 Zeeman Building
This symposium, supported through a major IATL strategic project, brought together scientists, engineers and practitioners from across academia, industry, and NGOs to discuss, share and promote current research and recent developments across all aspects of engineering, from science to practical applications, which have a global Humanitarian Engineering impact.
Connecting Coventry, Connecting Cultures
Thursday 30 June 2016, 18:00-19:30 | Lecture Theatre M2, WBS Teaching Centre
An evening of provocations and discussion about Coventry, a city that is celebrating, reimagining and investing in its cultural identity by bidding for the UK's City of Culture 2021. An international panel including Rachel King, who spoke about her IATL funded project, shared details of current collaborations between academic researchers, local artists, and cultural organisations, which aim to foster meaningful connections between Coventry's diverse communities, creating new ways of experiencing and participating in the city's urban landscapes.
The Museum of Living Stories
Wednesday 29 June 2016, 18:30 | Theatre Studies Studio, Milburn House
This event invited attendees to join a mysterious chorus of Memory-Makers as they revealed an archive of memories, a box full of forgotten feelings and an oak tree of future hopes. The performance by Canley Youth Theatre and students from The University of Warwick, supported through an IATL funded project, was created by collecting 'oral histories' about what we 'hope' for and what we 'care' about.
Clowning in Difficult Situations events
Talk: Thursday 26 May, 17:00 | The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry
Workshop: Friday 27 May, 13:00 - 15:00 | Humanities Studio, University of Warwick
Emergency Circus describes itself as administering ‘inspirational circus shows and workshops to the hospitalised, the homeless, the imprisoned, and the undercircused everywhere.’ Over the last three years Clay Mazing, the founder and executive director of Emergency Circus, has been performing with the troupe at camps and train stations alongside thousands of refugees from Turkey to Calais. These two events explored clowning in difficult situations.
Rosalind Franklin - Science, Music and Performance
Monday 23 May 2016 | Humanities Studio | free admission
This innovative and interdisciplinary event was open to all Warwick staff and students and explored the life and the discoveries of Rosalind Franklin – chemist, biologist and X-ray crystallographer – whose photograph 51 was the key to unlocking the mystery of the structure of DNA.
Teaching and Learning Showcase 2016
Tuesday 17 May 2016 | Ramphal Building | free admission
Warwick's annual Teaching and Learning Showcase provides an opportunity to share and celebrate the many ways in which we encourage, facilitate, and inspire learning. This year's themes were Transforming Space, Transforming Technologies and Transforming Teaching.
Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid! An interdisciplinary workshop
Monday 16 May 2016 | G.57 Millburn House | free admission
Why do we read tragedy, melodrama and horror fiction which evoke fear and sadness? How do we enjoy them? These were the research questions guiding this interdisciplinary workshop featuring Professor Pamela Gilbert of the University of Florida in conversation with respondents from different fields at Warwick.
Sport, Philosophy, and Practice: A Gymnasium
Friday 6 May 2016 | Humanities Studio
This interdisciplinary, gymnasium event focussed on spaces and activities designed for intellectual and physical engagement. Experts from the university and local community were brought together to lead participants in theoretical and practical explorations of ideas surrounding spaces, practices, philosophies, and pedagogies of sport training and exercise.
Medical Humanities Symposium
Friday 18 March 2016 | University of Warwick
An interdisciplinary AHRC event that uses the radical insights of aesthetic modernism to develop dialogue with medical practice in psychiatry, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, neurology, and the mental healthcare offered at the end of life.
Student as Producer Performances of 'Where the Heart Is'
14 & 15 March 2016 | University of Warwick
This IATL funded Student as Producer performance explores issues of home, family history, secrets and compromise. The plot revolves around one house, three moments in time and one secret that unites them all.
Student as Producer Performances of 'Like there's no tomorrow'
10 March 2016 | University of Warwick
This IATL funded Student as Producer Performance project is a collaboratively devised piece of theatre about growing up in an age of optimism and coming of age at a time of pessimism, it's about an obsession with the apocalypse and the unsustainability of capitalism.
Student as Producer Performances of 'Where My Girls At?'
04 & 05 March 2016 | University of Warwick
Who gets to occupy theatrical space? What stories do we tell in these spaces and who gets to tell them? This IATL funded Student as Producer performance piece attempts to examine the construction of theatrical spaces and the room black women are afforded in these spaces.
Emerge Festival and Laboratory
Tuesday 3 - Thursday 5 November 2015 | Warwick Arts Centre
A collaboration between Warwick Arts Centre and IATL to showcase the work of graduate theatre companies and to celebrate Warwick's 50th anniversary, accessible to the entire University community. The Festival featured Warwick 2065: Performance and the University: a celebratation of Warwick's rich history of performance practice, student drama, and graduate theatre companies which, through an evening of new performance projects, recreated the past, reinvigorated the present and reconfigured the future.
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2015
Tuesday 29 September- Wednesday 30 September 2015 | Baruch College, City University of New York, Kyushu University, Monash University, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Warwick, University of Washington, University of Western Australia
The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual event which connects students from universities across the world to a single 48-hour forum. It is a platform to showcase the work of some of the world's best undergraduate researchers from any discipline or area. Undergraduates present their research in joint sessions alongside peers on the other side of the world, interacting with fellow presenters and audiences in real-time through video-links and social media.
A Grassy Meander: Of All The Creatures Across The Globe
Friday 10 July 2016, 15:00-17:00 | International Digital Laboratory lawn (by the fountains at the end of Library Road)
A unique pathway to nowhere and everywhere, a mystery trail to savour as if you have no beginning nor end, a gentle trip into elusive ecologies that just might perform you into a lot more life.
Science on Screen
Monday 15 & Tuesday 16 June 2015 | University of Warwick
This two-day IATL workshop took popular scientific and 'superpowers' films and radio plays from the 20th and 21st centuries as a starting point to explore and explain the scientific principles behind them and their applications in the real world. Every movie led to an interactive lecture with discussions and 'hands-on' activities about the scientific phenomena presented in the film.
The workshops were designed for first-year undergraduates from the STEMM (Science, Technology, Economics, Maths and Medicine) disciplines and offered students the opportunity to learn state-of-the-art scientific concepts in a different and creative way. Day two of the workshop was also open to first-year undergraduates from the Faculty of Arts who have an interest in science fiction.
The Dark Would
Wednesday 13 & Thursday 14 May 2015 | University of Warwick
This IATL event explored innovation in pedagogy, learning, and teaching in Higher Education. It provided a space for staff and students of all disciplines to explore who they are as educators and learners, ask what they need to develop their pedagogical skills, ideas, and philosophies, meet those who think similarly, be challenged by those who don't, collaborate with both, and experiment to the fullest extent possible.
Music and Science
Wednesday 6 May 2015 | University of Warwick
A one-day event on science and music which was open to Warwick and external staff and students across faculties, with both 'academic' and 'creative' external speakers, to inform the development of an IATL-funded initiative to create a new interdisciplinary module for undergraduates: The Science of Music, running for the first time in the Spring term, 2016. The module aims to introduce students (in all subject areas and with any level of musical expertise) to the relationships between science, music and mathematics, and will also touch on aspects of physiology and psychology in the perception of music and the inspiration of mathematical and scientific ideas in musical composition.
IATL Module Fair 2015
Thursday 12 March 2015 | University of Warwick
Our first Module Fair of the 2015 spring term, which offered students across the University an opportunity to meet our module convenors and ask about our interdisciplinary modules before making their final selections for the 2015/16 academic year. More information on our interdisciplinary modules for 2015/16 can be found on our Undergraduate and Postgraduate module pages.
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2014
Tuesday 23 September 2014 | University of Warwick, Monash University, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, and University of Western Australia
The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual event which connects students from universities across the world to a single 24-hour forum. It is a platform to showcase the work of some of the world's best undergraduate researchers from any discipline or area. Undergraduates present their research in joint sessions alongside peers on the other side of the world, interacting with fellow presenters and audiences in real-time through video-links and social media.
Write On! Young Writers' Summer School
Monday 11 – Friday 15 August 2014 | University of Warwick
At IATL we were delighted to partner with Writing West Midlands and the Warwick Writing Programme for the first Write On! creative writing summer school for young writers.
Thirty-four young writers across two age groups, 12 – 16 and 16 – 19, spent a full week developing their creative writing talents with professional writers. This was particularly valuable for any young writer planning to study creative writing at university or take the new A Level in Creative Writing, but was also suitable for anyone who loves writing in whatever form.
Across the week, the young writers explored many forms of writing, from poetry and short stories to writing for the stage and screen. Guest writers shared their experiences of the literature industry and their careers. At the end of the week, parents, family and friends were invited to a showcase of work written.
The Summer School was jointly led by the writers Naomi Alsop and Will Buckingham.
Becoming IATL: CAPITAL and Reinvention 10 years the future of the University
Thursday 19 - Friday 20 June 2014 | University of Warwick
IATL was formed through the combination of The CAPITAL Centre and The Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research, both Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning funded by HEFCE.
This was a celebratory event for those people who had been associated with the work of the CAPITAL Centre, the Reinvention Centre and/or IATL at the University of Warwick. As well as looking back and at the successes of the CETLs and IATL so far, guests were encouraged to look to the future by identifying key themes and issues in Teaching and Learning that are yet to be addressed.
Making Connections: Interdisciplinarity in HE and Beyond
Wednesday 4 June 2014 | University of Warwick
We were joined by 20 undergraduate students for an exploration of interdisciplinarity. We looked at the range of IATL modules running in 2014-15, and what it means to study in an interdisciplinary way within Higher Education. We thought about the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary study within Warwick and how the skills and knowledge it fosters can help students both during their studies and after they graduate.
This event was open to all undergraduates studying at Warwick in 2014-15.
Making Sense of Digital Humanities
Wednesday 21 May 2014 | University of Warwick
This event drew upon perspectives, projects and practices at Monash and Warwick in order to make sense of the Digital Humanities (DH). Following an early-morning breakfast (UK) and light refreshments (Monash), there was an 8am (BST) live connection to Melbourne (5pm AEST) in order to join their afternoon event. There were opportunities for open discussion between interdisciplinary teachers, learners, practitioners and researchers.
The event was launched by Simon Swain (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Warwick) and Associate Professor Peter Howard (Associate Professor of History and Deputy Dean, Faculty of Arts, Monash) and facilitated by Jonathan Heron (IATL, Warwick) and Simon Musgrave (Monash). The programme was designed to include short case-studies which were interwoven with open discussion. The first presentations featureed DH 'perspectives' from Simon Musgrave (Monash) and Amber Thomas (Warwick), followed by example 'projects' from Shakespeareans Peter Groves (Monash) and Paul Prescott (Warwick). The final presentations concerned contemporary DH 'practices', with contributions from Nate Tkacz (CIM, Warwick) and Alistair Thomsom (Monash).
British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2014
Monday 14 - Tuesday 15 April 2014 | University of Nottingham
This was the 4th annual British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR). The conference promotes undergraduate research in all disciplines and has been held at UCLAN, Warwick and Plymouth in previous years. Fifty-three students from Warwick travelled to Nottingham to present their research this year, making Warwick the best-represented University at the conference. Photographs from the event will be displayed on the IATL website when they are available and for more details of BCUR, which will be held in 2015 at the University of Winchester, go to the BCUR website (link above).
Enterprise Education Event
6 February 2014 | University of Warwick
This event launched the new Enterprise Partnership at Warwick, which aims to help foster enterprise in students through advice, education and support. The event highlighted Enterprise at Warwick University through three panels using practical experience to introduce key themes and provided opportunities for staff, students and enterprising Warwick alumni to network and enjoy light refreshments.
Making Sense of Interdisciplinarity
27 November 2013 | University of Warwick
Introduced by Dr Nick Monk, who manages IATL's work on interdisciplinary modules. Prof. Stuart Croft, the University's new Provost, gave his thoughts on the future of interdisciplinarity and the link between interdisciplinary research and teaching. A panel of interdisciplinary module convenors spoke about their experiences.
Material coming soon:
Videos of the presentations from the event.
Making Sense of Diversity in a University Education
6 November 2013 | University of Warwick
Covered the life cycle of Widening Participation from outreach, through retention, to progression, with a particular focus on retention and more specifically on what we do at Warwick to ensure that our practices are open to and beneficial to all students from all backgrounds. Introduced by Christina Hughes, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education (Innovation, Employability and Widening Participation).
Material available (to Warwick staff and students only):
Videos of the presentations and photos from the event.
British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2012
19-20 March 2012 | University of Warwick
Featured spoken papers, lectures, poster presentations, performances and workshops delivered by undergraduate students presenting their own work, as well as discussion on developing undergraduate research in UK universities.
Material available:
Videos of most presentations and paper sessions, a sample of the posters presented and photos from the event.
Summary video of the event:
Other events related to teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning Showcases
The annual Teaching and Learning Showcase provides a forum for the exchange of good practice across the University, as well as offering colleagues the opportunity to reflect more broadly on teaching and learning strategies, explore new approaches and ideas, and share experiences.
There are also regular faculty showcases: Arts | Medicine | Science | Social Sciences
Window on Teaching
A regular series of hour-long, lunchtime presentations from members of Warwick's teaching community, open to all Warwick staff, Postgraduates who teach and PGCE students. The sessions are held in the Teaching Grid and lunch and refreshments are provided.
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For your IATL-funded project or event
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR)
Our annual conference featuring student presentations from around the globe via video links
British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR)
Annual conference, at a different institution each year, showcasing the best British undergraduate research