Poster Sessions
What is the effect of mini-jobs on youth employment outcomes?
Elettra Ardissino, Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Synthesis of novel chemical synthons for the generation of 'unnatural' polyketide product.
Andrew Armstrong, Chemistry, Faculty of Science
'Learning to smoke': European and Native North American experiences of tobacco and the tobacco trade.
Rachel Callear, History, Faculty of Arts
The Cyber Challenge- The Legal Response
Preetkiran Dhoot, Law, Faculty of Social Sciences
The Effects of Time Perspective on Delay Discounting Ability and the Mediating Role of Affect
Phillippa Harrison, Psychology, Faculty of Science
The Effects of the Snowden Revelations for Critical Geopolitics: A Study of the Deterritorialisation of Power
Michele Lewis, Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Planetary Archaeology
Christopher Manser, Physics, Faculty of Science
"The Influence of Politics on the Perception of Property Rights in Cyprus after 1974."
Monica Mylordou, Law, Faculty of Social Sciences
Earthquake-Proof Highrises - Fluid Viscous Dampers Placement Optimization in Seismic Design of Tall Structures
Jeffrey Pang, Engineering, Faculty of Science
"The impact of the Cypriot Financial Crisis on Investor Confidence"
Alexandra Perikleous, Law, Faculty of Social Sciences
Investigating women's participation in decision-making within communities in Kono District, Sierra Leone, since the introduction of Fambul Tok.
Nancy Quilliam, Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences
The impact of the Common European Sales Law in business-to-business situations for Lithuania’s and the UK’s small and medium companies
Migle Vasiliauskaite, Law, Faculty of Social Sciences
Evaluating the first stage of a universal wellbeing programme for medical students
Tom Walker, Medicine, Faculty of Medicine