Thinking Water (IL905)
Issues related to water are among the main challenges of our time and only a global, interdisciplinary approach to them can ensure steps towards possible solutions.
Therefore the main aim of this module is to present the topic of water in its complexity and to get you involved at every stage of the learning process so you can discover, research and experiment the great potentialities of a holistic approach to the matter.
Phase 1:
You will analyse the effects of recent discoveries in the field of water on our planet’s history, ecology and future. Lectures from Warwick cross-faculties experts and academics about chemical and physical properties of water (Dr Elena Riva); water ecosystem (Prof Rosemary Collier); engineering perspective on water sanitation (Dr Terry Thomas).
You will be able to identify and study the central role of water in our society, in the organisation of our cities and in the development of political scenarios. Lectures from Warwick cross-faculties experts and academics about the relationship between culture, society and water (Dr Joanne Garde-Hansen, DrJoão Porto de Albuquerque); and justice, water and governance (Prof Simon Caney). You will also reflect on the ways in which water is managed and utilised on campus, working on Warwick issues and problems with the help of Andrew Thomas and David Chapman (Environmental Sustainability, Estates Warwick).Phase 2:
You will be able to summarise your multidisciplinary learning into a global, significant and different approach to issues pertaining to water (= interdisciplinarity). For achieving this target, you will take part during each lecture to active learning activities and team- and problem- based learning exercises. You will also devise part of your own assessment and be able to document and evaluate the module. You will play a central role at every stage of your learning process.
Phase 3:
You will learn different research methodologies from a range of disciplines and reflect on their value for tackling issues related to a global topic such as water. This will help you to expand and improve the approach to your own learning and investigative practices both in and beyond academic disciplinary studies.
Module convenor
Dr Elena Riva
(E dot Riva at warwick dot ac dot uk)
Term 2 (Spring) 2018-2019
Fridays 10.00-12.00 am
Room H0.58
Humanities Building
Access the MOODLE PAGE here
For 10 CATS
50% Essay 1000 words
50% Student devised assessment
For 15 CATS
50% Essay 1500 words
50% Student devised assessment
For 20 CATS
50% Essay 2000 words
50% Student devised assessment
For 30 CATS
40% Essay 2500 words
40% Student devised assessment
20% Documentation & Evaluation
The deadline for the submission of both the assessments for all the different CATS varieties is 25th of April 2019 at 12.00 noon.