Undergraduate Modules 2015-16
IATL-hosted interdisciplinary undergraduate modules are designed to help students grasp abstract and complex ideas from a range of subjects, to synthesise these into a rounded intellectual and creative response, to understand the symbiotic potential of traditionally distinct disciplines, and to stimulate collaboration through group work and embodied learning.
Module Title |
Module Code | Next Running | Module Convenor |
Entrepreneurship: A Critical Perspective | TBC | Autumn 2015 | Gabriella Cacciotti and Vishalaskshi Roy |
Censorship and Society | TBC | Spring 2016 | Roxanne Bibizadeh |
The Science of Music | TBC | Spring 2016 | Gavin Bell |
Ethical Beings: an Interdisciplinary Exploration Through Children's Literature | TBC | Autumn 2015 | Philip Gaydon |
Digital Humanities and Texts | TBC | Autumn 2015 | David Beck (co-taught with Monash University) |
Community Engagement: Theory into Practice | TBC | Spring 2016 |
Mark Hinton |
Available to
All undergraduates in years 2, 3 or 4 (with home department approval)
CATS weighting
Choice of 12 or 15 CATS for all modules except The Science of Music, which will also be offered at 7.5 CATS.
Allocation of places
If a module is oversubscribed, priority is given to achieving a spread of faculty and discipline backgrounds; i.e., the first person from Dept A to register will take priority over the second person from Dept B, even if that second person from Dept B registered earlier. Priority is also given to students taking the module for credit rather than those auditing or 'overcatting'.