Applied Imagination: Long Project (IL025)
What is now proved was once only imagined – William Blake
Taking a broad and critical view of the concept of the ‘imagination’, this module invites you to design and develop a self-directed transdisciplinary project exploring the relationship between ‘imagination’ and a topic which particularly interests you. The module will allow you the opportunity to consolidate and extend the learning you have developed in ‘Applied Imagination: Theory and Practice’ to other contexts, further developing your analytical and reflective skills and your imaginative practice.
Drawing on scholarly material, you will be expected to critically engage with current debate and theory about the imagination as well as to reflect on your own imaginative practices and processes, to extend your learning in key areas and devise theoretically informed approaches to the topic with which you have chosen to engage. You will be required to produce a formative ‘scoping document’ in week 4, outlining the area on which you wish to focus and will receive both peer feedback and verbal tutor feedback and you will have weekly opportunities to meet with your tutor. The summative assessment at the end of the module will be student-devised in form and content, applying the theories, practices, reflections and processes with which you have engaged to the project itself.
Available to
Students in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of study who have already taken Applied Imagination: Theory and Practice.
Module convenor
Naomi de la Tour
Naomi dot de-la-Tour at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term 2 (Spring) 2018-19
Provisional, to be confirmed:
Regular meetings with your tutor on a one-to-one or small group basis throughout term 2 at a time to suit both you and the tutor.
Note: This will not show on your personal timetable.
With guidance and support from your tutor, you will design and devise your own project for assessment.
For 15 CATS:
7500 words ±20% (or equivalent)*
For 12 CATS:
6000 words ±20% (or equivalent)*
Your work will be due in at midday on Tuesday in the second week of term 3 (summer term).
*In discussion with the tutor, you will decide how to split the word count (or equivalent). This may be between theoretical discussion, practical work and reflection, for example.