Gender and Violence (IL026)
This module explores the different forms taken by gendered violence, how it can be understood and explained and the political and policy responses to it. We look at its representation in cultural forms such as novels, films and the popular media. We investigate how its occurrence varies over time and in different societies, its manifestation on a societal scale and in the most intimate and private of relationships, and the effects it has on women and girls. We also explore how it relates to masculinities, its strategic use in military conflicts and women’s resistance to it. Throughout we are concerned to highlight the power relations that underpin gendered violence and the abuse of power associated with it. We also interrogate the high profile given to sexual violence and abuse in the media and explore how gendered violence has become an issue which attracts so much public attention. We shall ask whether and how this level of publicity affects the prevalence of gender-based violence and what effect it has on its cultural acceptance, particularly in circumstances where abuse of women and children is tolerated and, in some cases, seen as a reasonable response to transgressions of cultural norms
Indicative weekly topics:
- Introduction to the module – why look at gender and violence?
- How gendered violence became a political issue
- Domestic violence
- Sexual violence and sexual harassment
- Cultural representations of gendered violence
- Masculinities and violence
- Political conflict and gendered violence
- Feminist politics and gendered violence
- Theorising gender and violence
- Political and policy responses to gendered violence
Module Convenors
Dr Ravi Thiara
R dot K dot Thiara at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Khursheed Wadia
Khursheed dot Wadia at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term 2 (Spring) 2018-19
Tuesdays 12.00-14.00
Room OC1.03
Oculus Building
For 15 CATS
2500 word essay (75%)
Group presentation (25%)
For 12 CATS
2000 word essay (75%)
Group presentation (25%)