Lecture 8. Human-Animal Relations in History
This lecture will provide an overview of human-animal relations in an historical context, examining both aspects of coexistence and conflict through the ages. It will focus on a number of case studies which demonstrate various aspects of the relationship: at different times and in different places; in the urban and rural context; in terms of domestic and wild animals. It will also discuss some of the theoretical, theological and even supernatural frameworks which humans have developed in the past to better understand their relationship to other species.
Slides here
Essential reading
Workers revolt: The Great Cat Massacre of the rue Saint-severin. pp75-106, in The Great Cat Massacre: and other episodes in French cultural history, Robert Darnton [ebook available from Warwick library website]
Mark Jenner, 'The Great Dog Massacre' (pp 44-61) in Williams G Naphy and Penny Roberts
(eds) Fear in Early Modern Society, [available here]
Additional reading
L Kalof, Looking at animals in human history (Reaktion, 2007) Main Library QL 85.K35 11265965 STANDARD
Animal Planet Environmental History, Vol. 9, No 2 (Aor. 2004), pp. 204-220 [available at]