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Provisional timetable for Science of Music sessions: term 2, Fridays 10-12 in Humanities Studio.

The convenor from Physics will take overall responsibility for the session and for many sessions there will be additional speakers (from other departments, the Coull Quartet or external). Dr. Bell will be at most of the sessions.

Week Date Session Title Physics Convenor Notes
1 15 Jan. Thank you for sharing... Gavin Bell includes in-class assessment
2 22 Jan. Fundamentals of sound Gavin Bell  
3 29 Jan. Scales and tuning Paul Harrison  
4 5 Feb. Perception of sound and music Michael Pounds moodle test on 2 & 3
5 12 Feb. Acoustic instruments Sue Burrows  
6 19 Feb. The human voice Rudolf Roemer moodle test on 4 & 5
7 26 Feb. Music in the environment Rachel Edwards  
8 4 March Electronic music Gavin Bell moodle test on 6 & 7
9 11 March Open-content session TBD  
10 18 March Project presentations Gavin Bell peer assessment