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Academic Fellowships funded

Fellowships are for the re/development of modules. Academics may propose new cross-faculty modules or re-design existing modules to encourage student research; to develop open-space learning through performance, technology, and the design and the use of teaching space; to address global culture; or to develop interdisciplinarity. Projects may apply for up to £7500, though IATL reserves the right to make smaller grants where appropriate. [Find out more]
See also:
Name(s) Department Project title Start date Reports, etc.
Tkacz, Nathaniel & Michael Dieter Centre for Interdisciplianry Methodologies Card Decks as Pedagogic Method: Strategies for Interface Critique 01/04/2018  
Kendrick, Abby Economics Telling data stories: a pilot workshop for economists 08/01/2018 Final report
Scott, Michael Classics and Ancient History Incorporating digital assessment into Ancient Global History Module 01/01/2018 (PDF Document) Interim report
Macintyre, Mairi Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) Play: Pedagogy Theory and Practice 01/11/2017  
Mulqueen, Tara Sociology Developing community networks for public legal education 01/10/2017 (PDF Document) Interim report
Virinder, Kalra Sociology An interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of South Asia 01/10/2017  
Wall, Illan Law Orders in Decay, Podcast assessment for law and disorder module 01/10/2017  
Ono-George, Meleisa History The history in practice project 24/09/2017 (PDF Document) Interim report
Donzella, Valentina & Gunwant Dhadyalla Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) Innovating the teaching of test techniques for automotive electronics: developing a unique practical session by building a vehicle in the loop (VIL) testbed at WMG 01/09/2017  
Das Neves Rodrigues, Natércia & Russ Kitson Chemistry Photochemistry of sunscreen molecules 01/08/2017  
Letchford, Clive Classics and Ancient History Living Latin 01/06/2017 (PDF Document) Interim report
(PDF Document) Final report
Jones, Alex School of Life Sciences Development of Research Technology Platform (RTP) training resources in proteomics 01/05/2017 Final report
Blencowe, Claire Sociology Recognising & Understanding the Social Basis of Mental Illness: Advancing Creative Pedagogy, Participatory Practice and Interdisciplinary Understanding 01/10/2016  
Kermode, James & Emma Uprichard & Christoph Ortner Engineering and Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM) / Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies / Mathematics Develop Interdisciplinary Module on Computational Problem Solving 01/08/2016  
Allen, Antony Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) Engine technology for sustainable vehicle applications: an interactive facility for student exploration 26/02/2016  (PDF Document) Final report
Massaro, Sebastiano & Elliot Ludvig Warwick Business School (WBS) / Psychology Neuro@Warwick: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Neuroscience 01/01/2016  
Joseph, Vivan Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) / Philosophy Navigating Psycopathology: Peer-led research and teaching 06/10/2015  (PDF Document) Final report
Cacciotti, Gabriella & Vishalakshi Roy Warwick Business School (WBS) Entrepreneurship – a critical perspective 01/10/2015  
Bibizadeh, Roxanne English and Comparative Literary Studies Censorship and Society 01/09/2015 (PDF Document) Interim report
Hampton, Cathy School of Modern Languages and Cultures Culture and Global Citizenship: Learning Around the Year Abroad 01/09/2015 (PDF Document) Interim report
Hinton, Mark Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) Community Engagement: Theory into Practice. A new interdisciplinary IATL module 01/04/2015 (PDF Document) Interim report
Maughan, Chris English and Comparative Literary Studies / Philosophy Reimagining the University 01/01/2015 (PDF Document) Final Report
Bell, Gavin Physics Science, Maths and Music 11/11/2014

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Peer Assessment in Physics

Rowan, Clare Classics and Ancient History Communicating the Classics via Digital Storytelling 01/10/2014

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Judging criteria for the digital stories
(PDF Document) Student feedback

Bisping, Christopher Law Redesigning the Law and International Business Environment (LIBE) module 01/10/2014  
John, Eileen & Phil Gaydon Philosophy Module development: Ethics and Children's Literature 29/09/2014 (PDF Document) Final report
Newby, Zahra Classics and Ancient History Seeing, experiencing, doing: learning the methods of ancient art through performance and participation 01/09/2014  
Beynon, Jim & Miriam Gifford School of Life Sciences / Warwick Systems Biology Enabling student-engaged learning in a tutorial environment 01/07/2014

(PDF Document) Interim report
(PDF Document) Interim report - app. 1
(PDF Document) Interim report - app. 2

(Video clip) Final report

Collins, Dawn & Mark Wall Warwick Medical School (WMS) / School of Life Sciences WMS & SLS Experimental Physiology Allied Learning Scheme (EPALS) 01/06/2014

Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Showcase presentation

Tzanakou, Charoula & Katerina Kassavou Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) Can reflective writing inform teaching and learning? An example of health and wellbeing teaching 01/02/2014 (PDF Document) Final report
Thonnes, Elke Statistics Communication, teamwork and leadership in statistical practice 01/12/2013 (PDF Document) Final report
Barry, Liz English and Comparative Literary Studies Designing an interdisciplinary M-level module in Medical Humanities: The Medical Mind 01/10/2013

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Module proposal
(Video clip) Video documentation

Module webpage

Scott, Michael Classics Debating Democracy and Imperialism in Classical Athens 01/09/2013

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report overview
(Video clip) Final report (video)

Leary, Ruth Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies The Mediasmith Project 01/08/2013

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

KilBride, Amy & Deborah Butler Life Sciences Human-animal studies: an interdisciplinary module exploring the role of animals in society 01/02/2013

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

Hills, Thomas Psychology Propaganda for Change: Applications and Crowd-sourcing of Content Creation in the Psychology of Persuasion and Influence 01/01/2013

(PDF Document) Final report

(PDF Document) Journal of Computing in Higher Education article

Mouthaan, Solange Law How to discuss gender-based crimes in armed conflict with students studying International Criminal Law 01/01/2013

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Final report - appendix (conference programme)

Wood, David Mathematics Evaluation of MA255 Virtual Mathematics 01/10/2012  
MacKinnon, Teresa Language Centre Languages @ Warwick: Creating an international language learning virtual environment 01/02/2012 (PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Final report - appendix
Kalvala, Sara Computer Science Hackspace Warwick: Learning by Play within a digital setting 01/08/2012 (PDF Document) Final report
Marchand, Fabienne Classics and Ancient History Restructuring the interdisciplinary second-year Hellenistic World core module 01/07/2012

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

Doorenspleet, Renske Politics and International Studies What, why democracy? Research and Film Projects about Democracy: Students, Academics and Filmmakers United 01/10/2011

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report (go to project profile, left, for links to the student films, etc.)

Lunn, Stephanie Health and Social Studies Listening and learning from the unheard: inter-professional learning and people with learning disabilities who are non-verbal communicators 01/09/2011

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

(Video clip) Interview (video)

Marshall, Peter History Enhancing the student experience: internships and placements for historians taking a new second-year core module called 'Doing History' 01/09/2011

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

Palmer, Grier Warwick Business School (WBS) To create and test prototype modules for interdisciplinary studies 01/02/2011

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Final report - Appendix 1
(PDF Document) Final report - Appendix 2
(PDF Document) Final report - Appendix 3

Scarparo, Simona & Louise Gracia Warwick Business School (WBS) Experiencing, translating and learning from feedback - mapping the student perspective 01/02/2011

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Final report - Appendix 4
(Warwick University members only)

Scott, Peter & Andrew Clark Chemistry Aligning Teaching and Research Strategies for a Distinctive Chemistry Curriculum 01/02/2011 (PDF Document) Final report
MacKinnon, Teresa Language Centre Using Voice in Online Environments 01/01/2011

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report

Russ, Steve Computer Science Constructivist Computing for a Mathematics Learning Environment 01/01/2011

Not completed

(PDF Document) Reflections - Steve Russ
(PDF Document) Reflections - Meurig Beynon

Subsequent Pedagogic Intervention

Thethi, Anmoal & Mark Amor-Segan Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) Learning how to Diagnose Faults Using a Virtual Test Car 01/01/2011 (PDF Document) Final report
Cristea, Alexandra Computer Science APLIC: Introducing Personalised Learning in the Academic Classroom 01/11/2010

(PDF Document) Interim report

(PDF Document) Final report
(PDF Document) Final report - appendix A
(PDF Document) Final report - appendix B