Creating targeted online elearning materials to facilitate the movement between independent learning and face to face study in French language modules
The project involves the creation of a suite of online, self-access language-learning resources for French students, with a view to adding to, and building pedagogically upon, similar materials currently in place. These materials are closely tied to students’ face-to-face language classes. The creation of new resources is intended to fill gaps in current provision and to take forward our blended learning approach to the study of language. The project will continue a long-standing collaboration of French section language co-ordinators with Elab and makes use of the latter’s expertise in online testing to innovate.
The project is designed to meet the needs of first- and second-years. However, if successful, it is hoped that project outcomes can be fed into strategic long-term language learning development designed to meet the need of all students in the French section of SMLC. The project will help us learn more about the possibilities of using online testing summatively in the future. The project will run over the summer of 2016, from May to September and requires a native French speaker and experienced teacher to create the online exercises.
Cathy Hampton is a principal teaching fellow in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (French), where she is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Her prime responsibilities are in first-year teaching of language, literature and ideas, but in the past few years she has taken a keen interest in the pedagogy of the Year Abroad and in virtual learning. She is a great believer in harnessing the energies of our extremely creative students to create effective communities of practice.