Handling Greek Vases
This project aims to put the ancient Greek world literally into the students' hands. Working with modern potters, we will replicate a series of ancient Greek vases and drinking cups, which were covered in complex images, so that students can handle these objects and understand better how the ancient viewer interacted with these images, and thus perceived and understood them, and, as a result, the role these images played within the ancient symposium and, more widely, ancient society.
Dr Michael Scott (www.michaelscottweb.com, @drmichaelcscott) is an Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History, and teaches a range of modules at both undergraduate and graduate level. He is also committed to communicating Classics to a wider audience through books, TV and radio documentaries and talks.
See Dr Michael Scott's other funded projects:
Democracy and Imperialism in the Ancient and Modern Worlds.
Debating Democracy and Imperialism in Classical Athens.
Approaching the study of Greek Religion.