Democracy and Imperialism in the Ancient and Modern Worlds
This project will support Dr Michael Scott's module on Democracy and Imperialism in the Ancient and Modern Worlds for 2nd and 3rd years in the Classics and Ancient History department. It will support the interaction between students in Classics and specialists in other, modern, politics, business and international relations departments. The students will be working with the Warwick Business School, the Department of Politics and International Studies and also be working with the IAS Visiting Fellow in Classics from the University of Queensland, Australia. In so doing, the students will be able to examine and think about how the study of the ancient world relates to the modern world. This is an exciting new development for the Classics department, which has not collaborated before with the Business School or Politics and International Studies.
Dr Michael Scott (, @drmichaelcscott) is an Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History, and teaches a range of modules at both undergraduate and graduate level. He is also committed to communicating Classics to a wider audience through books, TV and radio documentaries and talks.
See Dr Michael Scott's other IATL-funded projects: