Fierce Festival Undergraduate Participation
The purpose of this project is to integrate the annual Fierce Festival into the 2nd year Live Art and Performance module currently taught in the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies by Dr Nicolas Whybrow. Fierce is an international festival of live art based in Birmingham but taking place in various regional locations, including Warwick Arts Centre, over three days. The festival embraces theatre, dance, music, installations, activism, and digital practices and this year's festival will run from 9-11 October 2015 (Week 1 of the University Autumn term). The premise of the project is to capitalise on the programme and activities of Fierce right at the commencement of the module in such a way that it would:
• function as a rich, lasting and influential resource for the remainder of the module's duration in the Autumn and Spring terms, which culminates in the making of a piece of live art/performance as part of an assessed group project
• harness the operational involvement of students, giving them a particular insight not only into the production and mounting of live art and performance practices but also thereby enhancing their personal experience of professional environments
Fierce Festival organisers are looking for enthusiastic and committed student ambassadors at the University of Warwick to volunteer time to promote the Festival to students, friends and social networks. Key duties would include:
• Attending an introductory meeting with Fierce Artistic Directors to learn more about the Festival and the 2015 programme
• Being an advocate for the Festival via their University
• Posting news, information and images on social networking sites including student-related pages and groups on Facebook and Twitter
• Sourcing opportunities in student media
• Promoting the festival at student events
• Maintaining regular contact with the Fierce Artistic Directors to keep up-to-date with the festival programme and feedback on successful promotions
What's in it for the students is:
• Work experience, forging contacts and practical skills relevant for CVs and future careers as well as the module itself
• Reduced-rate 'see-everything' pass (£50) for the Fierce Festival 2015
• An opportunity to engage with and contribute to the exciting work of Fierce and be a part of one of the year's most exciting live art festivals.
Nicolas Whybrow is Reader and Head of School in the School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies. His main research interest is in urban performance studies and his most recent books are Art and the City (2011) and the edited volume Performing Cities (2014).