Teaching the Digital Humanities at Warwick
Digital humanities sits at the intersection of traditional arts study and computational technologies and techniques. It expands research paradigms in the humanities, but does so by communicating problems to computer scientists and IT professionals and reaching collaborative solutions. In teaching, it may involve the application of digital technologies and "digital pedagogy" to pre-existing humanities subjects; or may be based on research which itself relies on computational technologies (e.g. data mining, corpus linguistics, text encoding, crowd-sourcing, digital media…). Both broad approaches would result in the improvement and evidencing of students' digital literacy, a key aspect of future employability. Below is a graphic summary of the discussion at a workshop with which this project ended on 10-12 November 2015:
David Beck (David dot C dot Beck at warwick dot ac dot uk) is an Academic Technologist (ITS) working mostly with academics from the Faculty of Arts. He also lectures for the History department, and his research focuses on British intellectual culture at the turn of the eighteenth century.