Theatrescience in Eden
Dr Jessica Mordsley explains Theatrescience's work at the Eden Project
In 2008 Theatrescience were invited to perform extracts from Simon Turley’s play, Something Somatic, to senior Wellcome Trust public engagement advisors and staff at the Eden Project in Cornwall. After this presentation, Eden Project Chief Executive Tim Smit took the team on a late-night tour of the Rainforest Biome. Director Jeff Teare explains:
I had visited a few times between 2002 and 2008 and seen its development but this late night tour really impressed on me the scale, atmosphere and ambition of the Eden Project. So I began to wonder about the possibility of Theatrescience performing in the Biomes to a general Eden Project audience.
The Eden Project were enthusiastic about the idea of drama performed in the ‘living theatre’ of the Biomes. The Eden site was a key part of the project from the beginning. The first ‘Not My Fault’ Writers Weekend was held at Eden in November 2009, and the writers pitched their ideas for plays having been inspired by seeing the spaces there.
In July 2010 the Ridgeway School project culminated in the students performing their play in the Mediterranean Biome to an audience of over 100, including many primary school pupils.
Finally, in November 2010 State of Nature, along with the young writers’ short plays, was performed in the Biomes.
Director Jeff Teare was able to collect this footage from the various stages of Theatrescience's work in the Eden Project:
Further video and audio from Theatrescience can be found at their official State of Nature website.
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