Inclusive Education - Call for Proposals
Themed Call for Proposals: Inclusive Education Projects
IATL is pleased to announce a special call for proposals on the theme of Inclusive Education. This call builds on IATL’s long history of the support, development and sharing of inclusive teaching and learning and supports the University’s Inclusive Education ModelLink opens in a new window, which ‘includes immediate and long-term ambitions to achieve institutional and structural change' that will enable Warwick 'to deliver an education in which all students feel included and able to succeed.'
We are therefore inviting applications which develop, evaluate, or share inclusive education practices in at least one of the following overlapping areas:
- Inclusive curricula, pedagogies and communities
- Inclusive teaching/learning spaces (in person and virtual)
- Inclusive support and co-curricular spaces
- Inclusive assessment and awarding processes.
We particularly welcome applications that seek to address the following objectives:
- Engage with departmental and/or whole institutional, structural inclusion to provide an inclusive environment and challenge inequality;
- Take a holistic view of the student experience, recognising that students’ experience of the University relates to their academic, social, inter-personal and cultural experiences;
- Underline that diversity supports creativity as a key value in the generation of knowledge and insight;
- Identify and share current activity in relation to inclusion at Warwick as a basis on which to build and takes action to address the gaps;
- Are built on shared ownership, partnership and co-production between students and staff; and
- Bring together work in committees, departments and professional services, especially where this involves co-creation with/for students.
The call is for staff-led projects, co-created between staff and students, which are up to a maximum of ten weeks long. Projects can apply for up to £10,000 and smaller projects are also welcome. Please note that all funds must be spent by 31 July 2022.
- The online support session addressed the application process at length - the recording can be accessed on the right
Deadline for applications: 12.00pm (UK time) on Monday, 25 April 2022
Response to candidates: By mid-May 2022.
NB: All funds must be spent by 31 July 2022.
See below to view the online information session we held about this call. You can access the video belowLink opens in a new window by logging in to Microsoft Stream with your University of Warwick login.
To apply, please fill in the Inclusive Education application formLink opens in a new window.
Applications are due at 12pm on Monday, 25 April. We will notify applicants of the outcome in the first two weeks of May.
What is Inclusive Education at Warwick?
Our Inclusive Education ModelLink opens in a new window describes a culture of inclusion at Warwick as one where:
- Diversity is recognised, understood and valued.
- Leaders are role models for inclusive behaviours.
- Environments are flexible and adaptable and facilitate meaningful interactions.
- There is transparency of accountability for our actions.
In the educational context this means:
- Diversity of students is acknowledged and reflected in the curriculum
- The provenance of knowledge is actively evaluated as a key element of critical thinking
- Leaders/staff/students are inclusive in their behaviours and actions
- Environments are inclusive, welcoming and adapt to the needs of students and staff
- Policy reflects a proactive desire to accommodate and empower the diversity of our student and staff body
- Open and honest dialogue on barriers to inclusion and finding solutions to remove them takes place regularly.