Redesigning the Law and International Business Environment (LIBE) module
This project seeks to create an interdisciplinary learning experience as core module for the joint degree in Law and Business Studies. Students will be familiarised with issues arising in the context of international business transactions from the perspectives of both disciplines. Lectures will be divided between staff from the Lawschool and the Business School in order to allow students to appreciate the different disciplines' approaches to the issues under discussion. Topics will include: globalisation of business, international trade, labour, tax, business forms, and competition of systems.
The information provided in lectures is designed to enable students to identify issues in international business transactions and to retrieve practical information around those issues. Much of the work students will be asked to undertake will revolve around fictitious case studies. Students will be asked to structure international business transactions taking into account the legal and business environments of certain target countries. It is envisaged that students from partner universities might assist in these tasks as foreign counsel.
The project is led by Christopher Bisping from the Lawschool and Professor Jim Love from WBS. Two PhD students, Dmitrijs Kravcenko (WBS) and Michael Webster (Law), support the work by designing learning materials and scenarios for the fictitious case studies.