How Much is Your Iron
It's Europe, 1936. Dansen sits with his pigs and contracts, safe and content. Svendson enjoys a respectable life selling iron and amiably trading with the neighbours. When their peaceful existence is disturbed by a mysterious stranger, friendship and morality is tested. As their neighbours get murdered one by one, they wonder who will be next... A double bill of Brecht's short texts How Much is Your Iron? and Dansen, these plays display some of Brecht's forgotten writings and look at the lead up to World War Two.
Freshblood Theatre's How Much is Your Iron? began as an adaptation of Bertolt Brecht's short plays How Much Is Your Iron? and Dansen and became a double bill of the two works. Conceived to explore Brecht's theatrical theories and techniques in relation to how they applied to his early work in opposition to his later, grander creations, the production uncovered a new 'lost' Brecht play. Perhaps more interestingly research showed that this project was actually the premier of Dansen, one of the few Brecht plays never yet performed in the United Kingdom and as a result in uniting two already linked one act plays, it brought historical into the contemporary.