Staff funding guidelines
IATL's strategy and activities are committed to pedagogies that support interdisciplinary education, student research, international learning and disciplinary innovation and that anticipate, respond to and create emerging practices in Higher Education. We have three principal funding streams for staff for innovative teaching and learning projects.
IATL staff funding may be used for the following:
- Release of time from teaching, research or administrative duties;
- Research or administrative assistance;
- Purchase of training and services;
- Reasonable travel and subsistence costs;
- Purchase of consumable items;
- Dissemination costs (though not normally conference attendance).
The following will not normally be funded:
- Normal costs of course delivery;
- Equipment or ICT hardware/software;
- Institutional overheads, though the on-costs of salaries are allowed.
1. Academic Fellowships
Fellowships are for the re/development of modules. Academics may propose new cross-faculty modules or re-design existing modules to encourage student research; to develop open-space learning through performance, technology, and the design and the use of teaching space; to address global culture; or to develop interdisciplinarity. Projects may apply for up to £7500, though IATL reserves the right to make smaller grants where appropriate.
2. Strategic Projects
Large-scale projects which support the University's Teaching and Learning Strategy, for example diversity and internationalisation, research-led learning, interdisciplinarity; there is no maximum amount per project, though a detailed and realistic budget will be expected.
Academic Fellowships and Strategic Projects may be for between three and twelve months' duration.
3. Pedagogic Interventions
Pedagogic interventions (for example workshops, lectures, special events involving external guests) encourage active and performative participation by learners and teachers, learning experiences that encourage a more performative and applied approach, or promotion of digital media initiatives that kickstart a new activity. Projects may apply for up to £1000, though IATL reserves the right to make smaller grants where appropriate.
Application and selection
There are normally two application deadlines per year.
Deadlines for 2018/19 are:
- Midnight on Friday 12 October 2018
- Midnight on Friday 3 May 2019
[note: funding from this round is released from 1st August 2019]
The application process for each funding stream is the same and there is a single form:
- Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss proposals with members of the IATL team before completing the Expression of Interest form.
- Applicants should submit a completed Expression of Interest form ahead of the deadline, both electronically and in hard copy. Each bid will be considered by a selection panel which includes either or both of IATL's Director and Deputy Director, one of the Academic Managers, and at least two external representatives
- Successful Stage 1 applicants may be invited to discuss and define further their proposed projects with members of the selection panel before the proposal is formally approved by the IATL Management Committee. Appropriate evaluation procedures will be discussed and agreed before the project begins.
- IATL aims to inform applicants of the outcome of their proposal before the end of the term in which the Expression of Interest was submitted.
Assessment Criteria
All applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Timescale: Can the project be completed successfully in the time period requested, and has a detailed programme of milestones been provided?
- Aims, approaches and activities: Does the project address IATL’s five strategic areas of practice:
- Interdisciplinary Education
- Student Research
- International Learning
- Disciplinary Innovation
- Emerging Practices in Higher Education
- Key pedagogies: Does the project engage students at all stages where appropriate? What kinds of pedagogic methodology has the project used? Examples might include Student as Researcher or Open-space Learning.
- Outcomes: Are plans for embedding and sustaining the outcomes appropriate, clear and realistic (embedding and sustainability are key criteria of all bids with the exception of Pedagogic Interventions)?
- Budget: Is the project budget realistic and fully-costed?
- Dissemination and impact: How will the impact of the project be embedded, sustained and disseminated within the University? And for Strategic projects, how will they be disseminated beyond the University?
Project reports
For Academic Fellowships or Strategic Projects, project leaders will be required to submit, within 1 month of the end of the project, either a video report or a written report of a minimum of 3-5000 words and, where possible, to undertake an exit interview (recorded) with a member of the IATL academic staff, both of which will be made available on the IATL website. For projects lasting more than 3 months a brief (1500 words) interim report at mid-point will be required, this report will also be added to the IATL website. For Pedagogic Interventions, the project leader will be required to supply a video account or brief report about the project following its completion.
Payment of funding
Payment will be made on a subcontract basis from IATL to the applicant or co-applicants. Once the project has been agreed, IATL will send out a funding contract for signing. This will include dates, as agreed between the applicants and IATL, for completion of the project and the submission of a presentation of the report, as outlined above. On receipt of the signed contract, IATL will issue an internal order number to each applicant to which all costs should be charged. All expenses and payments associated with projects should be processed through the funding recipient’s home department. An appropriate statement of expenditure supported by receipts will be required at the end of the funding period.
Successful applicants will be expected to provide a photograph and a brief abstract of their project for the IATL website.
You are welcome to discuss any aspect of your application with the IATL team. Please contact us at iatl at warwick dot ac dot uk.
Teaching buy-out
(guide for applicants - currently being updated)
Final report guidelines
(for Academic Fellowships and Strategic Projects)