This is the IATL blog, which features posts from IATL team members, IATL funding recipients, IATL module convenors, Reinvention journal team members and others.
Students as Leaders: A Campus of Ideas
Nia Hughes (third-year undergraduate in Politics and International Studies), Dominic Nah (postgraduate in English and Comparative Literary Studies) and Dammy Sokale (third-year undergraduate in WBS) outline their plans to conduct research into developing innovative learning outcomes and partnerships as part of the IATL-funded strategic project 'Students as Leaders: a Campus of Ideas'.
Reflections on Innovation, Part 3: Emails and the Opportunities They Contain
Laura Primiceri, final-year undergraduate in English and Comparative Literary Studies, reflects on her experiences at recent faculty teaching and learning showcases and working on the IATL-funded project 'The Warwick Handbook of Innovative Teaching'.
Reflections on Innovation, Part 2: Embracing the Quieter Realities
Dominic Nah, final-year undergraduate in English and Comparative Literary Studies, reflects on his experiences at recent faculty teaching and learning showcases and working on the IATL-funded project 'The Warwick Handbook of Innovative Teaching'.
Reflections on Innovation, Part 1: Who Rules the Space?
Phil Gaydon, IATL module convenor and funding recipient, reflects on his experience of delivering a session at December’s Social Sciences Showcase, ‘Reflecting on Innovative Practice’. This is the first in a series of three posts, with the subsequent two written by the students who delivered the above session with Phil.
IATL’s Work in Student Engagement
Caroline Gibson, IATL Academic Manager (job-share) and Manager of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, and Emma Barker, Managing Editor of Reinvention, outline the ways in which student participation is central to the work of IATL
Thinking Through Sustainable Teaching and Learning
Jonathan Heron, Naomi de la Tour and Elena Riva, the IATL Teaching Fellows, discuss the complexities of sustainable teaching and learning
Making the Student Experience Meaningful
Nicholas Monk, Director of IATL, discusses the student experience