IATL regularly supports educational innovation across the university and projects that reach beyond the university to participate in national debates and international collaborations
Departmental and Institutional Collaborations
Rethinking Assessment Practices in Higher Education
This project aims to measure assessment literacy related to contemporary assessment practices, develop a tool to measure feedback literacy, identify potential barriers to implementation of effective assessment and feedback among educators; and develop materials for a professional education masterclass on implementing effective assessment and feedback in public health teaching. This project is funded under the Monash-Warwick Alliance.Link opens in a new window
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International Conference for Undergraduate Research
ICUR was founded in 2012 and each year supports hundreds of research active undergraduates from Warwick and around the world to share their research from their home institutions.
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Open Access Module Understanding Wellbeing
Funded by the Warwick Innovation Fund, IATL created the Warwick open-access (to all students and staff) online module "Understanding Wellbeing”, based on the correspondent, interdisciplinary IATL in-classroom module.
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External Engagement and National Impact
Emerge Festival
An alumni arts festival that showcases and supports graduate companies in partnership with Warwick Arts Centre
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Student Driven Education
A HEFCE research project with student researchers developing a conceptual model for exploring the ways in which students act as co-producers of learning beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries.
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Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching & Learning' in partnership with Oxford University and other higher education institutions