Projects & Resources
Sport, Philosophy and Practice
Sport, Philosophy and Practice (SPP), was a project that explored the gaps and overlaps between philosophy and sport
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Playfulness in Higher Education: A Playbox
In this playbox you will find ideas to help you play and be playful - at work, at home, in meetings, in the classroom, when planning events
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The Dark Would
The Dark Would, a physical installation, was been created to allows experimentation with creating transformative spaces that challenged traditional forms of teaching and learning
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Student Ensemble
The Student Ensemble is a transdisciplinary group of Warwick students and an alumni network that facilitates learning through performance practice
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Articles and Publications
Portal Pedagogy
This article, by former IATL Director Dr Nicholas Monk and colleauges, reflects on the effectiveness of the current trends in international education
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'The War of the Worlds and Antibiotic Resistance...'
This feature, by IATL Teaching Fellow Dr Elena Riva, was published in The Biochemist, the Biochemical Society magazine, in December 2015
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'Becket on the Wards'
This article on interdisciplinary pedagogy, by IATL's Dr Jonathan Heron and colleagues, was published in the leading international journal Medical Humanities on 5 November 2015
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The CAPITAL Centre and The Reinvention Centre
In 2010 Warwick University received national funding to set up two Centre's for Execllence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). These were known as The CAPITAL Centre and The Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research and went on to form the basis of IATL. You can learn more about the success of these projects through designated archived websites. You can also find a list of archived projects related to these centres here
The CAPITAL Centre
The CAPITAL Centre was a partnership between the University of Warwick and the Royal Shakespeare Company established to use theatre performance skills and experience to enhance student learning
CAPITAL Centre Website
The Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research
The Reinvention Centre was a collaborative project based in the Sociology Department at Warwick and the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes. It was part of a national HEFCE initiative to create Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Reinvention Centre Website