Archived Projects
HE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
IATL was funded to conduct three HE STEM projects:
- SME Too: How can HEIs and SMEs interact more effectively? - Completed July 2012
- In collaboration with the Centre for Student Careers and Skills, University of Warwick
A team of four undergraduate researchers, led by a project research officer from IATL, investigated interactions between HEIs and SMEs in STEM subjects, surveying and interviewing students, academics and SMEs. - Real World STEM - Completed July 2012
- In collaboration with the Centre for Student Careers and Skills, University of Warwick
Using scenario-based learning to ensure graduates are prepared for, and oriented towards, working in STEM Careers.
- Developing Business Skills Resources for HE Chemists
- In Collaboration with the University of York
To develop 10-credits of material aimed at level-3 chemistry undergraduates. The format of the materials will be highly modular so that shorter, bespoke courses can be built to facilitate implementation across a range of institutions. The materials are designed to complement students' industrial research experiences and expose students to more commercial aspects.
Open-space Learning in Real World Contexts
This project, funded by the Higher Education Academy's National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, brought together three National Teaching Fellows, from Education, Creative Writing and E-Learning at the CAPITAL Centre (Creativity and Performance in Teaching and Learning), to develop and embed new forms of creative pedagogy associated with workshop practice and collaborative learning in flexible teaching spaces. See the video about Open-space Learning at the CAPITAL Centre, which grew into the HEA-funded project. From summer 2010, the project was hosted by IATL and was completed in July 2011.
Highlights of available material include: Case Studies | Handbook of Open-space Learning Technology | Workshop Practice
RSA Academy Tipton Projects
The University of Warwick has a strategic partnership with RSA Academy Tipton. As part of that relationship IATL developed two projects. The first, 'Re-Opening Minds', explored the academy's unique curriculum design, whilst the second project, 'Opening Spaces', explored the variety of teaching spaces at the academy and the potential for innovative pedagogies to be employed in those spaces. These projects were comploeted in July 2011.