Day 1 Notes
- Option Monday French s6
- Ruth White- watching Tom Pickard
- White is training coordinator for teach 1st etc.
- Some quiet talking- not off putting
- some girls engaged, some not
- Boys quiet- one unengaged and bored (leighton) - teacher eye on him
- TP follows work
- TP likes it - 2 GCSES and 2 BTECs- 1 engineering BTEC- very popular
- Hangs up
- Talk to by Teacher
- TP working independently- not following discussion
- boys answer quietly on table
- engagement actively with class
- CLASS of 15- easy interaction
- 1 table of girls calls out and engages
- teacher moves and interacts
- teacher notes laptop issue and email issue- cause of stress
- engages with off hand comments of class
- up to date, new books,
- Students cant answer some questions from Yr 7 and 8- asked what replaces a noun (a pronoun)
- Lesson seems quite basic french- based on memory of secondary school
- Light scuffling of boys- TP does not take part
- Overwhelming majority of class boys- hence more engagement
- No clocks in classrooms
- But many girls also quiet
- Engages straight with the boys
- Teacher often interrupts students
- And students her
- TP-Rotation- are of different subjects for teachers. Feels doing better- gone up from a LVl 4 to a Lvl 6. Learn more in OM.
- Leighton liked the more acitivites of OM
- Quiet Girls- include a house captain
- confused lessons before- now clearer
- moved lessons at times
- can’t compare to other schools
- Teachers similar
- Don’t miss much of OM
- Girls superficially more behaved
- Loud girls
- Like long time of lessons- get more done
- Feel more mature
- Feel developed- life skills etc.
- Didn’t realise learning
- Like speciality
- Miss old friends
- Feel ready for life
- like discipline- no messing around (ironic) - school important- need to work. Don’t seem to see talking as mutually exclusive with hard work.
- Bit of a blow (?) Primary--> OM --> KS4
- Better able to deal with emotions at home with the help of OM
- Kids sometimes lead- happy to contribute
- Are kids more interactive’/ lively without realising it? Than otherwise would be
- Some daydreaming
- Some students reluctant to contribute
- Others happy to add new material immediately- use of extra newly learnt vocab
- active girls pull funny faces
- next room- highly lively, shouty
- One lively girl, shy- refuses to engage
- Doesn’t get it right
- Teach- banter with children, referencing a possible romance for one of the female students
- Activity- passage of character adjectives, signifiers, info from lessons- immediately picked up by students
- Some memory of KS3
- Leighton keeps touching mitchells elbow
- TP lead learner
- So much talking....
- cross- curricular- identify green as positive colour/ publishing strategy of why have green boxes
- Teacher- makes things seem interesting- plays to students
- Sometimes doesn’t like shouting out- usually fine
- Need prompting to remember past acitivity
- Technology problems
- (Media- one staff member not used to such young classes)
- Trouble knowing spelling of Francois
- See each other as a resource for work- textbooks, etc. Above asking teacher
- Boys- 1 Board Rubber
- Had some 6 week “extended learning”- essentially homework. Now got to be ready to juggle more.
- Teacher Problems
- no staff desk in rooms - have to stand all day. Very tiring- wouldn’t stand normally, but nice to have the option
- TP- claims somewhere the roof collasped
- ICT broke
- White teaches all
- OM better this year- better organisation
- business and ICT linked up with LNC
- Previously only Literacy and MFL
- ICT more in 2nd year of programme
- OM- specialists teach it
- rotate in options
- staff more comfortable and more used to things
- Special staff for special needs to help things- could do with more though
- SN- support staff existent
- Students
- Have width, but little depth
- Experience of languages, no content
- Some doin well- TP, others strugglin- Leighton
- Leighton struggles- previously more people to help him/hide him
- may hesitate- know selves
- focus more on syllabus than expansion
- Example pointless
- TP- nonchalent
- Notes from speaking in lunch break time
- OM boring
- don’t understand- don’t explain
- life- do something (can’t read)
- Confusing
- Work too hard- nursery like
- like lessons
- no hwk- extended learning task- 1 hr a day- 5 hrs of detention if not done
- computer skills
- get up, learn
- engagement varied with your teachers style- some kinasthetic or visual
- Concerns
- writing, yr 9 revise, no time to revise, all learning from the off, held up
- can’t talk to them- teachers backed off
- stricter
- new teachers- not like them
- prefer OM teachers- nicer
- Prison like- scared- no where 4 freedom- cameras in toilets
- girls and boys stuck together
- don’t see anyone- segregated- gender segregated
- Split up- moved round forms, no friends
- Students- bad kids get attention over good
- 2nd period F5 Digital Communications- English
- Rebecca Wedderburn Teacher
- Dan Attley (DA), Bethan Glover (BG), Sam Aldridge (SA), Danielle Beddow (DB), Shannon Poole (SP)
- Rowdy
- backs to teacher- issue
- Loud- shout out
- Problem- students want group interaction- like talking
- boys seems restless- loud
- used to have feedback- how to teach better
- less worried of BTECS- no exam
- competences good when in groups, not helpful individually
- stricter here- like a prison
- SA- with bad crowd- messes around
- SP- polite, loses some attention
- BG- works hard, with group
- DB?
- DA- poor crowd (quietish)
- Random Girl with DB and BD
- Dislikes new lessons, not as fun- but there is more space
- RG and BD work quite well
- General rowdiness
- less people in classroom- better they say
- expected- scared, hard work- not really the case
- hard for teacher to maintain control- large, many back to students- thumb wars right in front of me
- Broken board- ICT
- Before- were 90 students and 2 teachers- problems of disturbing each other
- BD and DB like dram- not this, dull
- BD likes art-
- don’t like this- copy off board, boring.
- Teacher universally disliked
- BG- hands up not a good feature
- Quiet table
- Tables almost entirely segregated by sex- their choice- 1 boy with girls
- SA and DA- on loud, talkative male table- random fighting and shouts
- DB- keeps talking
- Students get up and walk across the classroom at random- normal (?)
- Teacher kneels down- looses authority- is told to fold paper by a student- agrees
- SP
- Likes dance
- OM lessons boring
- KS4 more work and more joking
- Tutor- shouts- Mr Carpenter
- Convinced a teacher bullying her after her brother Paddy punched him in the face
- Rules- can’t open the door or windows, ask to use loo, take blazer off etc- only water- no food or pop
- (general confusion over competencies)
- not worried- sister will help with work
- maths- bad- just copy off the board
- DA involved with others in throwing things
- will call out to aggravate
- attention sought
- student leaves class without permission
- DA fights for pencil
- Written in book to go to loo
- Like moderness of buildings
- watching jaws- causes more rowdiness
- Teacher refers back to beginning of lesson- students can easily idenify
- little attention paid to film
- BD and DB keep talking
- DA watching
- SA ignoring it
- SP looking at wall
- DB talking to table behind her- all boys
- DA and SA participates in paper throwing game
- 1 attentive table of students- none of noted students
- SA
- Likes art
- Doesn’t like digital communication
- else boring
- science and cooking
- DA
- ICT, engineering, german (trip).
- Wants to work ICT, or engineer (ideas vague)
- Like- picks subjects
- taught, some
- like specialists better
- respect- yes
- stricter- can’t say how
- Believes will get good grades from OM- more ready- cos of OM- can’t explain why- doesn’t know
- Students shout out answers as in OM
- Teacher ignores them- feel disrespected/ activity pointless
- previously accepted by R White as okay
- Aaaron very helpful- arthiritis
- Teacher many problem students- says
- teacher frustrated- weak appeal to class to behave
- wants students to face teacher- attentive table bored- staring off
- Ross repeatedly challenges others
- teacher notices but cannot deal with
- DB, BD and others talk
- SA and DA and others talk
- Teacher prohbits all talking- rule frequently violated
- teacher randomly says class will stay behind for ten minutes- not enough work done- students questions decision- teacher backs down, reinstates later
- attentive table- one girl shocked at arbitrary ruling
- attentive girl desperately tries to gain attention for answer- fails
- Teacher distracted by naughtiness
- dodgy lights
- acitivity- Point, Evidence, Explanation paragraph
- Kids fight/ hit each other
- DB and BD talking
- SP talking
- DA working, SA not
- DA diligent, good pt- teacher asks to go further- student able to- goes up to teacher for more advice
- BD and DB talking
- SA wrote some lines, staring into distance
- class seems restless, bored with task, in my opinion, it is quite easy
- attentive girl seems to be finished
- attentive table flirts with loud boys near me
- teacher distracted - students up and wandering around - can’t be controlled
- other classroom starts randomly peeking in
- one student puts on jacket and starts to leave- stopped
- student openly flouts only water rule
- students burst through door- won’t wait outside
- teacher complains of chattiness- whole group
- no one thinks done wrong individually, she notes
- pts out attentive table worked hard, one student approached by frizzy haired teacher- student has detention
- no break in lessons- need to get used to
- Teachers
- Low lvl ruckus
- Yr 8 class, Yr 9, Yr 11, Yr 10, Yr 13
- School- low lvl common,
- worse class, others not like it
- are ready for GCSe- group in OM, ready to inquire- group responses
- Essays an issue
- OM in KS4- confuses- more difficult
- Course should be over OM- GCSEs would need to change
- Lunch- Claim OM babysitting, work “harder”, more mature now?? at yr 9, boys did not find patronising . Liam of Debatemate found okay
- Jaz- parents thought OM relevant to life. Liked discipline of school.