Day 2
G11 OM class Anna Williams and Head Teacher
- quiet
- working at task
- interact with teachers
- variety
- fun
- like equipment
- like 3 hrs- not too many changes
- unclear on competences- some v. clear though- competency
- “not much work”
- focused on info, research - when I couldn’t answer- student sought answer from other
- like technology of lessons
- listening needed for work in class
- far more disciplined than students yesterday- shouting out not accepted
- 2 staff members- switch between running class
- some students hands up during main session- not amazed
- 3 Asus notebooks per table- used by students for research
- chatting about skills needed for group work
- immediately start talking
- student keeps forgetting what he thought
- student day videos- turn of when teacher says
- many students try to open door when one outside
- one child continually used for class help- board writing- handing out sheets
- class expected to face front
- activity- values, choose 10 values for group, try to go on internet, need to agree
- children told to shut laptops- distractiing
- one student somewhat disillusioned
- don’t like last hr of 2nd lesson- hardly unusual
- students divided on difficulty of work
- questions raised in my mind
- are yr 8 more rowdy?
- do yr 8 have more of an idea of +ves and -ves of OM?
- Issues of group work
- 2 fallouts of groups
- teacher tries to get people to share ideas and work together
- students listening to students
- one student tries to eat pen lid- stopped by teacher
- boys randomly moving around- teach, notices, chastises moves to intervene
- Blaine told off
- told to stop silliness
- bits thrown at each other
- what happens in class
- what researched countries
- colour in map of asia
- watch buddha clip
- 8 wheeels of buddhism
- deciding 10 values
- picking most important
- students at one pt crowd round a laptop
- one student tries to get another back to task
- open up class- previous lesson work together- presentations of apprentice style product
- student complains of having to wear tie.
- dodgy door
- suspect staff neglected my table believing i would assist them with their work as ruth was doing
- when student admits to not doing work-teacher talks of managing time, breaks of chat
- students volunteer links to competences
- staff seek to mix people up- get to know everyone, so groups with wide skills can be set up
- Lingo
- www- what went well
- ebi- even better if...
- students writing how things could have been better in lessons
- then- surge forward to world map before test
- each week competition
- this week- funding countries, next week flags
- to create public speaking skills, confidence of work
- attempted - cheating
- creates rowdiness
- group research orientated learning, not systematic knowledge, eg. hinduism etc
- F10 Patrick Hayes
- doesn’t want backs to him in the classroom
- traditional pedagogy- enforces no talking
- lots of noise yr 9 growing up
- teaches from board
- teacher doesn’t allow correction- students shout out to correct
- puts students up on the board- doesn’t yet know names
- students starting a mexican wave- much amusement
- students shout out answer- teacher sets task for class to complete
- louise- gets it done quickly- asks me- i miscorrect her
- liam seems generally competent
- class expected to pass- higher tier paper
- 2nd set
- cameron- bored and disruptive in digital communications v. good in maths!
- problem of board being obscured by teacher standing in front of projector
- reminder of rules of class- no clicking pens, talking to “cameron”- disruptive
- makes witty comment on banal title of lesson
- students demand use of laptops for lessons-teacher explains slow ICT issues
- tension of copying competency off neighbour- people talking
- teacher complains about students going to loo in lessons- says don’t in lesson- students shout about running tap and urinary infections
- students have competition to get “on board” for a detention
- teacher liberal in use of “board”
- some confusion/disbelief of board- student claims hand up
- questions to class- Liam and Louise correct
- Teacher mouths answer to 1 student
- (Louise Lunch- feel behind- concern of having to start later and no time to revise it
- but finds work fine)
- students admonished for lack of rulers
- teacher engages confused students who answers boards to corrects, explains, complete
- 2 girls playing games together at bk
- liam filled in part of table already
- louise goes along with class- only doing just before said
- liam turns around and gives me a look i interpret to mean “i am bored- this is far too easy,”
- student doesn’t understand “have I been talking like gibberish” can’t help immediately
- Louise answers questions quickly and correctly- gets others wrong for dp- seeks to explain to me she made an error
- Louise engaged, Liam seems bored
- student complain of doing stuff again
- lots of info- video-activity- chill- more work
- liam and louise both get sfs wrong
- teacher races through stuff a bit quickly
- teacher feels he has to tie a competence based system of learning
- students convinced behind- need to catchup
- liam only deals with disruptive students- not good students
- louise- cares more of detentions than work.
- teach- unofficial chillout
- all work and no talk
- OM- work and talk
- plenty of time
- liam feels ignored
- has to ask to get a +ve on the board (on board)
- Louise- shock
- (Mr Hayes- 3rd week- new to OM- got to include, NQT, yrs 7,8,9)
- students not sure OM, helps with life- problem of not having needed to live that
- activity- bills- Liam gets on
- Debatemate, spanish, triple science, humanities, music
- feels work too easy- resents people with worse grades being higher- feels have harder work
- sees use of competency for life- example of brothers band not being in Love music hate racism gig due to EDL
- competences randomly linked OM
- competences linked better KS4
- enrichment seems as a payback for 3hr lessons
- doesn’t know what humanities
- not bothered by transition
- tell people to work hard, don’t leave last minute
- Maths teacher- says supposed to be OM guys- enquiring
- Qs of what child maintenance and NI are
- “extended learning projects”
- feedback farms given out
- staff person comes in- asks for volunteers for friday no volunteers, stigma from students
- students start misbehaving more in last half hr
- louise doesn’t know what an integer
- boy dropping calculators repeatedly on floor
- liam messing with stuff of katy
- www and EBI connection with competence
- liam v. bored
- before lunch- had due test
- whole class stay behind- threat test- have to give constructive comment to partners work when marking
- boys try to impress katy and louise
- Mr Hayes not followed through with punishment
- Mr Hayes- NQT, excited, functional maths 30% of grade- hard for yr 11 all exam, trouble
- bad teaching before- no full maths in OM- now 20 mins at the beginning
- See assembly, what being told to students
- disparity between om preparedness and how they feel about exams
- maths taught poorly- often not specialists