Day 3 Notes
SO4 Wed- Liz Boeing Humanities
- learning about spain
- in lesson- liam salt, tom pickard, danielle beddow
- encouraged to work together, not alone
- class sitting in tables split across several tables 6-5-3
- students allowed longer for tasks if needed
- slow pace
- still asked to look at the board
- DB- pen in mouth whilst teacher talking
- students allowed to write their work however they think they’ll learn best
- liam and tom write a bit
- laptops given out
- danielle plays with pens
- liam and tom- most friends got to RSA- most friends in the same year- Tom- 2 friends not in the year- keeps in touch on facebook, other no contact
- L and I- friends in other years- form times
- TOm P- not sure of career ambitions, aware of public sector cuts, considers university if does well at IB
- Danielle
- worried a bit about gcse (one!)
- don’t like strict teachers- many new
- like teachers who know how they learn
- not many friends elsewhere- some
- make friends with other bits of the register now (different girl)
- competences- boost confidence, good for jobs
- competences in class, don’t realise
- like longer lessons on 1 topic, not lots of swtiches-
- rules okay, not yet used to
- Better than Willingsworth was- cousins had gone there
- (some students pick internet over books)
- work not too hard- will get harder
- feel prepared for GCSE- vague reassuring, no explanation
- Ms Boeing
- more confident students- more active learners
- prepared fine
- stretched ahead, best students, also SEN- gives normal students own reading set to help them in development
- Thinks some boys more disruptive without male influence at home, maybe
- Likes class
- well behaved- not rowdy, confident- teachers not used to (older ones)
- OM- better than yr 11, HC, BTEC, better than yr 11s
- harder work, push further, more disciplined
- children know and experiment
- Walks triangle- more space
- older staff like big classes less- she was fine with it- done before, not pre-set in ways
- no real boys/ girls difference- maybe in SEN
- been here 3 yrs - shadow head yr 7 (team leader each school, heads up yr 8), CAS organiser
- taught a bit elsewhere- in training
- safer here- new students better behaved
- all students engaged
- DBs table- not gifted and talented- less willing to get extra work
- hands up- see who understands what to do. asks students where she should write on board, danielle talks a lot,
- task spain vs uk went on half an hour longer than should
- tom puts hand up for answering how to write a paragraph, then can’t answer
- now doing practice exam paper
- used to be rotation- 1 hrs per competency, split up
- roomings- teaching non specialist can be daunting, now staff confident
- new staff confident to do lots- can pick confident staff- music training session, speak to others and learn - good for career, KS3 art easy
- 3 hrs- time to show film, pause, finish, activityu, e.g. Hotel Rwanda
- time to show videos
- assembly- very praising of any achievement, opportunity, reads out names of those late for school
- OM class
- competences each term
- so long as outcome same- okay to change class
- different things suit different groups
- can change to suit the needs of group
- learn different ways, choose how to put down info
- teachers tired- kids not standing
- pupils see each other as resources for work
- what were the teachers concerns before yr 9?
- realised?
- other issues arised from transition?
- transition easy where space, curriculum etc, creates more OM pedagogy
- fluid- easier transition.