Tipton Day 4
- Specialist design- teams- maths science- of lessons
- given to people- follow plan
- do some stuff- at different pts
- same as before
- new TAs in- some against, didn’t understand OM, left
- Helena Jones- maths strengthened
- kids forgotten work of year 7 and 8 by GCSE- remember, link subjects better
- Livelier, teamwork
- Shine no matter what
- emphasis on student learning
- assessed on subjects AND competences
- pointless levels for subjects- not done them!
- competences- harder for older- think of competences
- easier for younger
- Yr 9 not benefit learn/traditional learning- bit of change
- Yr 9- Yr 8 some long, some not- subject not together, attitude same, discipline same
- handsup- silence
- don’t talk over teacher and each other
- no food, no walking around
- paired group over individual work- consolidation lessons with independent tools.
- OM award- independent based learning
- Mixed ability groups favoured.
- Hard to teach GCSE mixed ability- streaming too early hurts. They have different strengths and skills- some leaders. Content driven needs setting.
- GCSE- English and maths- higher/lower
- Science- BTEC, able GCSE
- Options- mixed
- Other teachers shocked- subject knowledge. Don’t get all. Feel like got nice childrens. Tracked all work of teachers- aware of what work missed Yr 7 and *,
Science S15- Preshant Kundalia
- 5-4-3-2-1 absolute silence
- end of assignment, end of lesson
- authority, at front
- explains when to go back- patronising
- individual task set- solar system then ask talk to mates- bigger group (lesson doesn’t follow this as far as I can tell- leave early)
- won’t let people talk at all- scribbled over a book- someone asks kids for help
- don’t like things being called out
- Shannon- not hands up- but gets it right immediately
- gets answer right when other kid asked!
- write down order of planets, asks to do “primary school,” thing in secret
- Teacher- hands in the air to pay attention
- doesn’t like shout outs
- disruption- of any talking
- keeps shirts tucked in
- boy talks- sends outside, counts to 32, come back in
- boys marches in, laughs- repeatedly in trouble
- boy shouts out- teacher doesn’t know what to say
- random facts of different planets
- explains boys comment of oxygen and water
- hands in front of chest- stress
- keeps going on about just being yr 8s
- keeps sending boy out- count up to random numbers
- reveals age “pleases”
- mocks students idea to suck up saturn goes for fuel
- kids throwing paper around- punished
- asks why child not following- independent learning
- asks child if he wants teacher to deal with some issue
- calls children kids
- friends resource, notes
- kids ask whens lunch
- kids seem to have no idea of Big bang
- BTEC class- Applied Science
- Asks class to stand up behind chairs in science
- has to show to how they’re hitting competences- not obvious
- Teacher
- kids more autonomous, eager- sometimes issue
- more with it than 11s
- was cynic, now fine
- professional career good
- no value of education, in local community
- kids would normally know order of planets
- Mr Felton
- Teacher refers to BTEC science “colouring in”
- reliant on google and wikipedia
- most students unwilling to answer qs, laugh, need huge lead in
- often off task using ppt features, copy pasting (“own words”) on websites of dubious quality,
- seem to be unable to cope without laptops
- sam and ashley not done work, just waiting for board
- discipline fine when group working
- “academic” girls- at least one is just copying the others- unable to tell me what the doppler effect means
- students still can’t name planets in order!
- teacher claims most students can do this
- Shannon- parents don’t like OM, hospitality, good student in science
- Teachers- any concerns- still there? anything cover up?
- Yr 8 OM
- Thursday- group- chat together standard rules
- not worried of yr 9, okay
- integrated work
- music- practicing, playing, split up, singing
- how is music taught? om opinions etc? music in OM much?
- Not L/L- not students
- Can experience drama and music in enrichment- know what its like
- Bit soon to pick
- People don’t “play up” in different atmosphere- in lessons WHICH THEY CHOSE- want to be there, learn. Choice!
- Change building
- Yr 8 OM- feedback, change syllabus