Meeting Notes
23.08.10 Team Meeting
- Steiner Schools- Ruth
- Mixed ability to traditional
- Kids Respect? Switiching off
- Read more- notes, Christine notes
- Readings on curriculum
- Middle Schools
- Teaching styles/pedagogy- Floor 4
- Read online sites- points to notes
- Do teachers feel “high” respect, curriculums good- but are these the ones students dislike?
- Curriculum as a barrier?
- Shared perceptions?
- Boys struggling?
o Louder
o Expected to struggle
o Same few boys taught by same students- see problem when it doesn’t exist
o OM lend itself to some subjects?
o Perception of some better than others
- Inclusivity this week
o Gender
o Disability
o Engaged
- Tue- Morning
o Text page, 2 page of literature review
o Danny goes through, Uniform
- Introduction of Report
o Outline of Opening Minds
o What Transition Is
o What are we doing?
o When research occurred- methods
- What have the students been told of OM? Susceptible to leading questions
- Follow-up from List
o Why are you anxious of these things
o Anxious- exams etc
o More serious work
o More mature
§ Why?
§ Because KS4 means something?
- Aware of changes- what facing
o More competencies
o Less
- Respect?Independence- what does this mean?
- “practical lessons”
- What have
- How have they found it- how different?
- Lessons more difficult
- Induction lessons
o What involves- ironed out issues
- GCSE Options
o Ability
o Too hard
- Lingo from Teachers
- Space- anxiety of new build than anything else- new space- teaching
- Literature Review
o Middle School
o Curriculum Stuff- competencies based
o Background Noise
o Referencing Harvard Style
o Add references to Bibliography page
- Put up interesting qs on webspace
- Endnote web-share folder with partner
- Access Endnote-create an account- quick bibliography
- “Support for Research”
- Need to work out keywords
- Ho Hit good record- see how else they’re described
- Ideas for keywords
- Mark useful ideas
- Report- Abstract availiability – BREI, ERC
- Times Educational Supplement
o Factiva
o Curriculum journal- search key journals
- Tipton- Research, Articles, etc
- Impact prospectus 2008, WHERE IS 2009/2010?
- Next Week
o Fine- tune research questions
o Methodology
- Dislike
o What being taught
o Or personality
- Tape- recording for Teachers
- Notes- off putting
o Jot down okay?
o Just remember if no- write down at end of conversation
o Jot phone- key words
o Ask each time for pupils “You don’t mind if I take notes..”
o If asked-tell them
§ Separation from teachers
§ Your experiences
o Teachers won’t be happy- I won’t tell you off
- Warwick Ethics guidelines
- British Sociology Association
- Will be put on webspace
- Head ethics book- chapter. Hammersley and Atkinson- Ethnography, Bulmer
- Don’t lie unless absolutely necessary for info e.g. criminal gangs
- Don’t disturb learning
o Limit outside of calss
o 5 minute window in class
- Don’t disrupt class
o Bit going to happen at beginning
o Write down crying as a response
- General watching
o Can’t write down too much
§ Lots of writing
§ Even if half snippet- detail
o Reporting bk on scene
o Do visual records follow interviews
- Conversations with other kinds- record general atmosphere
o Particular outburst- record
o Watch what members of sample doing
- Sift through when typed up
- If recurring theme- note repetition, but not in detail
- Type up notes- see key recurrences
- Books on studies in schools- read methods chapter
- Presence changes circumstances- not 100% scientific
- Revert back very quickly over time
- Open report going back to Lesley
- Confidentiality- Anonymise in report- Teachers, 12 students- hard not to identify who they are
- Useful info
o Neutral way
o Decision can’t go in- could compromise persons
- Obvious who they are
- Happy with transcript?
- Said what you mean?
- Do you see things this way?
o Observed this
o Felt this
- Would you agree? Can put in report
- Write up notes straightaway
o Notes on webspace
o Immediately- constant discussion
- Maybe not found- why at you? Did we not notice?
- Next week
o Methods reading
o Developing Research Question
- Refer bk to minutes for research questions
- Put up at webspace- text. Danny will try and answer
- Kids being kids. Gender. Struggling? Or less engaged? Being dealt with
- Write down any questions we’d ideally liked to have asked before Term
- Qs setting and streaming
- How do these questions help us understand the transition?
- General stuff. How does it link bk?
- Ethnography- ethics
- Low order OM?
- Easier for children to switch from OM to low- harder to do phyics,
- 3 yr KS4? Not high status knowledge