CETL Projects
The Graduate Pledge: a transformational, inter-institutional change proposal
A HEFCE-funded project conducted by King's College London, with the University of Warwick, which aimed to explore graduate capabilities developed in the teaching and learning practices at two Russell Group universities with the intended outcome being a 'blueprint' for research-led teaching to inform policy in other HE institutions.
Re-Performing Performance: Shakespeare archives in teaching and learning
This project generated an e-learning resource serving as a record or guide of the pedagogic work of the CAPITAL Centre, with archival material, offering a range of possibilities for using theatre records in a range of performance-based learning experiences. The website offers downloadable introductions to specific collections and critical analysis. A kind of companion project to this, Unpinning Desdemona, sought to answer the research question: can performance offer answers to textual problems?
Spaces and Stories of (Higher) Education: A Historical Investigation
A collaboration between the Reinvention Centre and the HEA History Subject Centre, involving students and staff from History and Sociology at Warwick examining the historical relationships between pedagogy, curriculum and space in Higher Education institutions.#
A book produced by students on the Sociology Department modules Narratives of Disease, Death and Difference: the Sociology of Story and Visual Sociology; the book collates the creative writing and photographic work that they produced for assessment.
Get Over It
A book produced by students on the Sociology Department module, Narratives of Disease, Death and Difference: the Sociology of Story; the book collates the creative writing they produced for assessment.
Sociologists Talking
Online archive of an interactive multi-media exhibition which aimed to address the importance of university pedagogies in seeking to understand and engage critically in the complex moral, social and political questions of contemporary human society.
The Idea of a University
Exhibition created by a collaborative research team of students and staff from Sociology and History at Warwick. A mixed-media installation produced from original archival and interview data in order to map the spatial and historical generation and regeneration of Warwick from the 1960s to the present day. Some material from the exhibition can be seen on the walls of the IATL open area in Senate House.
Students at Work: Learning to Labour in Higher Education
A film researched and made by a team of undergraduate and postgraduate students and administrative and academic staff at Warwick.
Universities PLC? Enterprise in Higher Education
Documentary film about the marketisation of Higher Education made by undergraduate students at Warwick.