Academic Fellowships
Academic Fellowships
Fellowships are for the re/development of modules. Academics may propose new cross-faculty modules or re-design existing modules to encourage student research; to develop open-space learning through performance, technology, and the design and the use of teaching space; to address global culture; or to develop interdisciplinarity.
Redesigning CX110 (Roman Culture and Society, core module)
Project Leads | Alison, Cooley
Department | Classics & Ancient History
Starting Date | 03/07/2020
The Media and Cultural Policy Lab
Project Leads | Kaapa, Pietari
Department | Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies
Starting Date | 01/02/2019
Vacuum Science: an inclusive training module from development to evaluation
Project Leads | Bell, Gavin
Department | Physics
Starting Date | 01/08/2018
Africa and the Making of Classical Literature – Diversifying the Western Classical Canon
Project Leads | Giusti, Elena
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 24/09/2018
Developing sustainability for trainee teachers through workload management reform in the PGCE
Project Leads | Roberts, Deborah
Department | Centre for Teacher Education
Starting Date | 01/09/2018
Feminist Dissent: Theory, Practice and Resistance
Project Leads | Varma, Rashmi & Roxanne Bibizadeh
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/08/2018
Card Decks as Pedagogic Method: Strategies for Interface Critique
Project Leads | Tkacz, Nathaniel & Michael Dieter
Department | Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Starting Date | 01/04/2018
Telling data stories: a pilot workshop for economists
Project Leads | Abby Kendrick
Department | Economics
Starting Date | 08/01/2018
Incorporating digital assessment into Ancient Global History Module
Project Leads | Scott, Michael
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/01/2018
Play: Pedagogy Theory and Practice
Project Leads | Macintyre, Mairi
Department | Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
Starting Date | 01/11/2017
Developing community networks for public legal education
Project Leads | Mulqueen, Tara
Department | Sociology
Starting Date | 01/10/2017
An interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of South Asia
Project Leads | Kalra, Virinder
Department | Sociology
Starting Date | 01/10/2017
Orders in Decay, Podcast assessment for law and disorder module
Project Leads | Wall, Illan
Department | Law
Starting Date | 01/10/2017
The history in practice project
Project Leads | Ono-George, Meleisa
Department | History
Starting Date | 24/09/2017
Innovating the teaching of test techniques for automotive electronics: developing a unique practical session by building a vehicle in the loop (VIL) testbed at WMG
Project Leads | Donzella, Valentina & Gunwant Dhadyalla
Department | Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
Starting Date | 01/09/2017
Photochemistry of sunscreen molecules
Project Leads | Das Neves Rodrigues, Natércia & Russ Kitson
Department | Chemistry
Starting Date | 01/08/2017
Living Latin
Project Leads | Letchford, Clive
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/06/2017
Development of Research Technology Platform (RTP) training resources in proteomics
Project Leads | Jones, Alex
Department | School of Life Sciences
Starting Date | 01/05/2017
Recognising & Understanding the Social Basis of Mental Illness: Advancing Creative Pedagogy, Participatory Practice and Interdisciplinary Understanding
Project Leads | Blencowe, Claire
Department | Sociology
Starting Date | 01/10/2016
Develop Interdisciplinary Module on Computational Problem Solving
Project Leads | Kermode, James & Emma Uprichard & Christoph Ortner
Department | Engineering and Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM) / Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies / Mathematics
Starting Date | 01/08/2016
Engine technology for sustainable vehicle applications: an interactive facility for student exploration
Project Leads | Allen, Antony
Department | Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
Starting Date | 26/02/2016
Neuro@Warwick: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Neuroscience
Project Leads | Massaro, Sebastiano & Elliot Ludvig
Department | Warwick Business School (WBS) / Psychology
Starting Date | 01/01/2016
Navigating Psycopathology: Peer-led research and teaching
Project Leads | Joseph, Vivan
Department | Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) / Philosophy
Starting Date | 06/10/2015
Entrepreneurship – a critical perspective
Project Leads | Cacciotti, Gabriella & Vishalakshi Roy
Department | Warwick Business School (WBS)
Starting Date | 01/10/2015
Censorship and Society
Project Leads | Bibizadeh, Roxanne
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/09/2015
Culture and Global Citizenship: Learning Around the Year Abroad
Project Leads | Hampton, Cathy
Department | School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 01/09/2015
Community Engagement: Theory into Practice. A new interdisciplinary IATL module
Project Leads | Hinton, Mark
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL)
Starting Date | 01/04/2015
Reimagining the University
Project Leads | Maughan, Chris
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies / Philosophy
Starting Date | 01/01/2015
Science, Maths and Music
Project Leads | Bell, Gavin
Department | Physics
Starting Date | 11/11/2014
Communicating the Classics via Digital Storytelling
Project Leads | Rowan, Clare
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/10/2014
Redesigning the Law and International Business Environment (LIBE) module
Project Leads | Bisping, Christopher
Department | Law
Starting Date | 01/10/2014
Module development: Ethics and Children's Literature
Project Leads | John, Eileen & Phil Gaydon
Department | Philosophy
Starting Date | 29/09/2014
Seeing, experiencing, doing: learning the methods of ancient art through performance and participation
Project Leads | Newby, Zahra
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/09/2014
Enabling student-engaged learning in a tutorial environment
Project Leads | Beynon, Jim & Miriam Gifford
Department | School of Life Sciences / Warwick Systems Biology
Starting Date | 01/07/2014
WMS & SLS Experimental Physiology Allied Learning Scheme (EPALS)
Project Leads | Collins, Dawn & Mark Wall
Department | Warwick Medical School (WMS) / School of Life Sciences
Starting Date | 01/06/2014
Can reflective writing inform teaching and learning? An example of health and wellbeing teaching
Project Leads | Tzanakou, Charoula & Katerina Kassavou
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL)
Starting Date | 01/02/2014
Communication, teamwork and leadership in statistical practice
Project Leads | Thonnes, Elke
Department | Statistics
Starting Date | 01/12/2013
Designing an interdisciplinary M-level module in Medical Humanities: The Medical Mind
Project Leads | Barry, Liz
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/10/2013
Debating Democracy and Imperialism in Classical Athens
Project Leads | Scott, Michael
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/09/2013
The Mediasmith Project
Project Leads | Leary, Ruth
Department | Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
Starting Date | 01/08/2013
Human-animal studies: an interdisciplinary module exploring the role of animals in society
Project Leads | KilBride, Amy & Deborah Butler
Department | Life Sciences
Starting Date | 01/02/2013
Propaganda for Change: Applications and Crowd-sourcing of Content Creation in the Psychology of Persuasion and Influence
Project Leads | Hills, Thomas
Department | Psychology
Starting Date | 01/01/2013
How to discuss gender-based crimes in armed conflict with students studying International Criminal Law
Project Leads | Mouthaan, Solange
Department | Law
Starting Date | 01/01/2013
Evaluation of MA255 Virtual Mathematics
Project Leads | Wood, David
Department | Mathematics
Starting Date | 01/10/2012
Languages @ Warwick: Creating an international language learning virtual environment
Project Leads | MacKinnon, Teresa
Department |Language Centre
Starting Date | 01/02/2012
Hackspace Warwick: Learning by Play within a digital setting
Project Leads | Kalvala, Sara
Department | Computer Science
Starting Date | 01/08/2012
Restructuring the interdisciplinary second-year Hellenistic World core module
Project Leads | Marchand, Fabienne
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/07/2012
What, why democracy? Research and Film Projects about Democracy: Students, Academics and Filmmakers United
Project Leads | Doorenspleet, Renske
Department | Politics & International Studies
Starting Date | 01/10/2011
Listening and learning from the unheard: inter-professional learning and people with learning disabilities who are non-verbal communicators
Project Leads | Lunn, Stephanie
Department | Health and Social Studies
Starting Date | 01/09/2011
Enhancing the student experience: internships and placements for historians taking a new second-year core module called 'Doing History'
Project Leads | Marshall, Peter
Department | History
Starting Date | 01/09/2011
To create and test prototype modules for interdisciplinary studies
Project Leads | Palmer, Grier
Department | Warwick Business School (WBS)
Starting Date | 01/01/2011
Experiencing, translating and learning from feedback - mapping the student perspective
Project Leads | Scarparo, Simona & Louise Gracia
Department | Warwick Business School (WBS)
Starting Date | 01/02/2011
Aligning Teaching and Research Strategies for a Distinctive Chemistry Curriculum
Project Leads | Scott, Peter & Andrew Clark
Department | Chemistry
Starting Date | 01/02/2011
Using Voice in Online Environments
Project Leads | MacKinnon, Teresa
Department | Language Centre
Starting Date | 01/01/2011
Constructivist Computing for a Mathematics Learning Environment
Project Leads | Russ, Steve
Department | Computer Science
Starting Date | 01/01/2011
Learning how to Diagnose Faults Using a Virtual Test Car
Project Leads | Thethi, Anmoal & Mark Amor-Segan
Department |Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
Starting Date | 01/01/2011
APLIC: Introducing Personalised Learning in the Academic Classroom
Project Leads | Cristea, Alexandra
Department |Computer Science
Starting Date | 01/11/2010