Executive Summary
Graduate-level training in Physics is provided through the Midlands Physics Alliance Graduate School and several new modules with a strong hands-on component are presently being developed for MPAGS. I have proposed a module on Vacuum Science, which underpins a wide range of research in physics, chemistry, engineering and life sciences. The Academic Fellowship would enable this module to be built with a far more interdisciplinary cohort in mind from the outset for translation into an inclusive training module with strong interdisciplinary apeal. A two-stage development process is envisaged: the MPAGS module will be developed, delivered and evaluated (phase 1), and then course structure and material will be revisited with the aim of producing an accessible interdisciplinary online module to introduce vacuum science and technology to a broad cohort (phase 2).
The module will be developed in collaboration with the Vacuum Group at Diamond Light Source, a major international science facility. This approach will be evaluated reflectively, with reference to both the broad cohort and the discipline-specific MPAGS cohort. Feedback and outputs will be connected to WIHEA via its Interdisciplinarity Learning Circle. The MPAGS module will be delivered online plus 1½ days of hands-on teaching, and we will evaluate the value added by the tactile learning embedded in the practical work. We will produce video content to support the module both at Warwick (covering core material) and in collaboration with Diamond Light Source (covering case studies). This will be integrated first with the MPAGS module home page on Moodle then with a separate interdisciplinary training page.