Pedagogic Interventions
Pedagogic Interventions
Pedagogic interventions (for example workshops, lectures, special events involving external guests) encourage active and performative participation by learners and teachers, learning experiences that encourage a more performative and applied approach, or promotion of digital media initiatives that kickstart a new activity.
Engaging students in research into Chinese culture through fieldwork at the historical site of Montargis
Project Leads | Guo, Zhiyan / Hampton, Cathy
Department |Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 20/11/2019
Imaging Hadrianin Britain
Project Leads | Calomino, Dario
Department |Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/10/2019
Learning Law through performativity: sexual consent pilot study
Project Leads | Lammasniemi, Laura
Department |Law
Starting Date | 01/01/2019
Dining with the Romans: An Interdisciplinary Food Workshop and Seminar
Project Leads | Ackers, Helen
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/01/2019
PGRs - an untapped resource to connect research with teaching
Project Leads | White, Hollie / Leda Mirbahai / David Davies / Rebecca Appleton
Department |Warwick Medical School
Starting Date | 01/01/2019
Warwick Student's Language Video Competition
Project Leads | Chen, Zhiqiong
Department |Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 01/10/2018
Understanding Selves and Others: Narratives for Health and Education
Project Leads | Joseph, Vivan
Department |Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning
Starting Date | 01/10/2018
The Warwick Prize for Student Translation at Undergraduate Level
Project Leads | Milani, Mila and Linda Shortt and Chantal Wright
Department |MLC, English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/04/2018
Intervention Initiative: developing a Warwick bystander intervention course
Project Leads | Parr, Sam
Department |Warwick SU
Starting Date | 01/08/2018
Reproducing alchemical experiments
Project Leads | Bycroft, Michael & Caroline Petit
Department |History / Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/04/2018
Embarking on the Food Journey
Project Leads | Sealey-Huggins, Leon
Department | Global Sustainable Development
Starting Date | 05/03/2018
Walking in to HS2
Project Leads | Sealey-Huggins, Leon
Department | Global Sustainable Development
Starting Date | 17/02/2018
Performative learning of ancient painting techniques (encaustic & tempera)
Project Leads | Ackers, Helen
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 15/02/2018
Translation in Schools Workshop
Project Leads | Hampton, Cathy & Vikki Armeson & Linda Shortt
Department | School of Modern Languages and Cultures / Centre for Teacher Education
Starting Date | 01/02/2018
University, Unsettling Ideas and You
Project Leads | Hopkins, Amanda
Department | School of Modern Languages and Culture
Starting Date | 29/11/2017
Mesmer: Enchantment, Treachery, Belief
Project Leads | Turner, Elizabeth
Department | Theatre and Performance Studies
Starting Date | 08/05/2017
Sharing Pedagogy across Disciplines
Project Leads | Leese, Jonty
Department | Centre for Teacher Education
Starting Date | 01/12/2016
Patients and students as partners in medical education
Project Leads | Owen, Kate & Catherine Bennett
Department | Warwick Medical School
Starting Date | 01/11/2016
Should we advertise to children?
Project Leads | Rowthorn, David & Karen Simecek
Department | Philosophy
Starting Date | 01/11/2016
Sport, Philosophy, and Practice: Group field trip and exploration of sporting environments and practices in Coventry
Project Leads | Gaydon, Philip & Jonathan Heron
Department | Philosophy / Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning
Starting Date | 03/10/2016
Law School does The Comedy of Errors
Project Leads | Raffield, Paul
Department | Law
Starting Date | 03/10/2016
Ancient Greek Theatre in action: Exploring the performance of Greek plays
Project Leads | Bakola, Emmanuela
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/10/2016
(Re)Imagining the Holocaust through interdisciplinary teaching and learning: representations of the Shoah and German Occupation of France in French culture
Project Leads | Lees, David
Department | School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 01/09/2016
Data Science for Public Health Outcomes
Project Leads | Alanyali, Merve & Jennifer Cooper & Chanuki Seresinhe & Josephine Khan
Department | Warwick Medical School & Warwick Business School
Starting Date | 01/08/2016
Experiments in Historically-Responsive Theatre Practice
Project Leads | Chadwick, Eleanor
Department | Theatre and Performance Studies
Starting Date | 01/08/2016
Creating targeted online elearning materials to facilitate the movement between independent learning and face to face study in French language modules
Project Leads | Hampton, Cathy & Ariane Demeure-Ahearne
Department | School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 01/08/2016
Survivor Artists and Recovery - a creative journey to inspire students
Project Leads | Thakoordin, Jane
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning
Starting Date | 01/08/2016
Forbidden Planets: Workshops on Habitability
Project Leads | Armstrong, David
Department | Physics
Starting Date | 01/04/2016
Exploring Didactic Approaches: The Role of Context and Display in Recording Cultural Heritage
Project Leads | Graham, Abigail
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 10/03/2016
Crime and Punishment
Project Leads | Brownlee, Kimberley
Department | Philosophy
Starting Date | 26/02/2016
Experience Led Innovation Workshop
Project Leads | Dimitrokali, Elisavet
Department | Warwick Manufacturing Group
Starting Date | 01/02/2016
WarPUnit – Warwick Projection Unit collaboration with Flatpack Film Festival Birmingham
Project Leads | Pigott, Michael
Department | Theatre and Performance Studies / Film and Television Studies
Starting Date | 01/02/2016
Invited speakers and concert attendance for Science of Music IL016
Project Leads | Burrows, Susan
Department | Physics
Starting Date | 14/01/2016
Technologies of text production: a workshop with hand printing presses (Centre for the study of the book Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Project Leads | Hampton, Cathy & Ingrid De Snet
Department | School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Starting Date | 11/01/2016
Ergo Sum
Project Leads | Chadwick, Eleanor
Department | Theatre and Performance Studies
Starting Date | 10/12/2015
Unlocking Warwick's Criminal Past
Project Leads | Bryan, Jane
Department | Law
Starting Date | 30/11/2015
Peer support assisted through anchored discussion forums
Project Leads | Thonnes, Elke and Ric Crossman
Department | Statistics
Starting Date | 12/10/2015
Democracy and Imperialism in the Ancient and Modern Worlds
Project Leads | Scott, Michael
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/10/2015
Interviews live: Telling your story to employers
Project Leads | Cunningham, Charlie & Stephanie Redding
Department | Student Careers and Skills
Starting Date | 01/09/2015
Object-orientated teaching of Cultural Heritage Law with 3D printed models
Project Leads | Woodhead, Charlotte
Department | Law
Starting Date | 01/08/2015
Fierce Festival Undergraduate Participation
Project Leads | Whybrow, Nicolas
Department | Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
Starting Date | 01/05/2015
Why is my curriculum white? Student-led challenges to Eurocentric curricula
Project Leads | Hinton, Mark
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning
Starting Date | 01/04/2015
Domestic Violence and its impact on the child and family
Project Leads | Wright, Jeannie & Abigail Ingram
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning
Starting Date | 01/02/2015
Getting Connected: Applications of Attachment Theory in practice
Project Leads | Abigail Ingram - No Report
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning
Starting Date | 26/01/2015
Engaging postgraduate students in mixed methods: the use of a novel activity to teach data integration and synthesis
Project Leads | Johnson, Rebecca
Department | Warwick Medical School
Starting Date | 05/01/2015
Electric Dreams: Performing The Shock Doctrine
Project Leads | Lawrence, Nick
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 05/01/2015
Emerge (Working Title)
Project Leads | Burman, Matt
Department | Arts Centre
Starting Date | 27/10/2014
Approaching the study of Greek Religion
Project Leads | Scott, Michael
Department | Classics and Ancient History
Starting Date | 01/09/2014
SF/F Now: An international interdisciplinary conference exploring the representation of contemporary topics and crises in imaginative literature
Project Leads | MacDonald, Graeme & A. Rhys Williams
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 21/08/2014
The National Student Induction Workshop
Project Leads | Singh Lallie, Harjinder
Department | Warwick Manufacturing Group
Starting Date | 10/07/2014
Launch of Alice Eardley's edition of Hester Pulter's manuscript
Project Leads | Clarke, Elizabeth
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 23/06/2014
Performative learning of the techniques of ancient Roman mosaic
Project Leads | Newby, Zahra
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/02/2014
Video Project Coventry
Project Leads | Nieuwenhuis, Marijn
Department | Politics
Starting Date | 01/01/2014
Contextualising the Eternal City: an academic field trip to Rome for participants in the City of Rome module
Project Leads | Graham, Abigail
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/01/2014
The Warwick Grand Assizes re-visited: an opportunity to research and re-enact two nineteenth century criminal trials in the courtroom in which they originally took place
Project Leads | Bryan, Jane
Department | Law
Starting Date | 01/12/2013
Tree Carols
Project Leads | Roberts, Nick & Rose Redgrave
Department | Coull Quartet
Starting Date | 01/10/2013
Handling Greek Vases
Project Leads | Scott, Michael
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/07/2013
Students as Researchers at the British Museum
Project Leads | Cooley, Alison
Department | Classics
Starting Date | 01/05/2013
Visit, lecture and tour of Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
Project Leads | Lee, Joanne
Department | Italian
Starting Date | 01/11/2012
A personal introduction to linear algebra
Project Leads | Russ, Steve
Department | Computer Science
Starting Date | 01/07/2012
New Interdisciplinary Spaces in Philosophy and Literature
Project Leads | John, Eileen
Department | Philosophy
Starting Date | 01/02/2012
Project Leads | Miéville, China
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 14/01/2012
Warwick Writing Programme in Schools
Project Leads | Alsop, Naomi
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/12/2011
Developing Digital Resources for Distance Learning from Passing On, an Ethno-Drama
Project Leads | Hundt, Gillian & Claudette Bryantson
Department | Health and Social Studies
Starting Date | 01/10/2011
Teaching Abstraction in Open Spaces
Project Leads | Wood, David
Department | Mathematics
Starting Date | 01/10/2011
Undergraduate journal of research in literary studies
Project Leads | Lawrence, Nicholas
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 01/06/2011
Study, Stage and Studio: Young Vic / Warwick University Hamlet Laboratory
Project Leads | Howard, Tony
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 14/03/2011
Poetry in the Field
Project Leads | Ttoouli, George
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 14/03/2011
Visit by American Poet and Translator, Tony Barnstone
Project Leads | Hulse, Michael
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 07/03/2011
Migrant Cinema and Writing in Post-colonial Italy
Project Leads | Brioni, Simone
Department | Italian
Starting Date | 21/02/2011
Lawyer Playwrights: Legal Themes and the Making of Drama
Project Leads | Raffield, Paul
Department | Law
Starting Date | 04/01/2011
Developing Video Production and Editing Skills for WIE Staff
Project Leads | Beauclair, Bozena & Nicola Wilkinson
Department | Warwick Institute of Education
Starting Date | 01/01/2011
Using the Macbook to Develop a Teaching Case Study of the Government’s Plans for High Speed2
Project Leads | Synnott, Michael
Department | Warwick Business School
Starting Date | 01/12/2010
Introducing Peer Assessment (Formative and Summative) of online Discussion Forums with First-year BSc Accounting and Finance Students
Project Leads | Zara, Catherine
Department | Centre for Lifelong Learning
Starting Date | 01/12/2010
Pre-rehearsal rehearsal: meeting Macbeth
Project Leads | Rutter, Carol
Department | English and Comparative Literary Studies
Starting Date | 10/10/2010