Executive Summary
Emerge is a new pilot project; a programme of theatre and contemporary performance workshops, masterclasses and performances by and for present Warwick students and Warwick graduates/alumni, hosted, housed and presented at Warwick Arts Centre (in both the Studio and Helen Martin Studio), performed and led by graduates and professional theatre companies (including Gob Squad and Forced Entertainment). Warwick graduate companies will include Fellswoop and Fat Git (currently both working in collaboration with Jonathan Heron), Kill the Beast and Dumbshow.Ex Students teaching new students. Workshops and masterclasses with be discursive, performative and participatory, examining a range of different styles and practices. Forced Entertainment and Gob Squad are both companies of international significance, particularly with regards to collaborative, contemporary and devised practice. The programme will be led, managed and curated by Matt Burman, Head of Programme & Audiences at Warwick Arts Centre, Laura Elliot, Programme Manager at Warwick Arts Centre and Jonathan Heron (IATL).
Promote the ‘Warwick Legacy’ Interdisciplinary – 4 students company’s involved each different disciplinary practice Lectures by Tim Etchells/Gob Squad