Executive Summary
This project is to set up a language video competition for Warwick students. Students who are taking one of the following minor language modules offered by the Language Centre (LC), Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Arabic, no matter which home department they are from, will be encouraged to enter this competition. They will create some short videos in pairs or small groups to reflect on their language learning, explore the culture differences between different countries, or deliver a fun taster session. To create these videos, they will need to liaise with students who are native language speakers of the above languages and the students who have filming skills to get language and technical advice and support. The competition will be run by a group of WBS students who have marketing and project management knowledge. After completion, all the videos will be put online to be voted for by the reviewers. A final show event will be open to any Warwick staff and students who are interested, and teachers from the LC and WBS will form the voting panel. Winners will win a prize in the form of vouchers, internships or Lifelong learning language courses. At the end of the project, all the participants will be encouraged to reflect on their experience which could be shared on Warwick Student blog.
The purpose of this project is fourfold: firstly, it provides an opportunity of experiential learning for Warwick students, with which they will acquire and apply new knowledge through meaningful video creation or real project management; secondly, it brings in students from different disciplines to work collaboratively through which they will develop some critical employability skills, such as negotiation, communication and team work; thirdly, a selection of final videos produced by students (with their permission) will be used for the LC's marketing events, particularly for Open Days, Offer Holder Days and Secondary school language enrichment events. Finally, each stage of this project, competition announcement, online voting and the show event together with the final products will be broadcast via mass media, such as big screens on campus, social media and the university's website which will reach a wide audience to enhance the LC's profile as well as IATL.