Executive Summary
The project will involve undergraduate and postgraduate students and language-teaching staff in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, PGCE students at the Centre for Teacher Education, and teachers in local schools with links to the CTE. These different groups will participate in workshops run by Stacie Allan, from the Translation in Schools programme. Some of the workshops will be very practical in nature: demonstrating techniques for engaging pupils of different ages in linguistic and intercultural activities through the medium of translation (workshops targeting PGCE students, MFL teachers and undergraduate students following modules on language teaching); others are more creative, encouraging masters and undergraduate students in Translation Studies to reflect on translation techniques in particular settings.
It is anticipated that PCGE students and MFL teachers will acquire ideas they can put into action in the classroom, and that undergraduate and Masters students will both enhance their critical appreciation of translation process and acquire knowledge about professional applications for translation. We will endeavour to schedule all workshops on a single day; the overall budget will therefore be c. £572.