Executive Summary
This intervention seeks to facilitate discussion between Warwick students and international researchers on the topic of Greek religion. In addition, it seeks to develop student strategies for communication of knowledge through working with a TV documentary film director on how TV documentaries tell their stories. Finally, the students will be building their own database of knowledge (the Religious sites database), facilitated by the Digital Technologists team. The module has over 40 takers for 2014-5.
As a result, the students will not only learn from a wider array of voices about the topic, but also learn about different strategies for disseminating and communicating that knowledge. They will also be able to see and share the results of individual research through the Religious sites database (each student will be responsible for creating a database entry for 1 religious site in the Greek world during the duration of the module).
The legacy for departmental teaching will be twofold. First, the Religious site database will be a permanent asset for future teaching in the department. Second, the road-testing of a form of coursework (the short scene/film), which will, in future years teaching this module, be assessed as part of the overall module assessment. In terms of legacy for the students themselves, they will have a legacy from this intervention in terms of improved knowledge of the topic and practice at varied strategies for dissemination of their knowledge.
Support is needed to bring the academics and documentary maker to Warwick to lead the sessions, the development of student documentary 'scenes', as well as for development of the Religious site database.