Event Checklist
Planning stage
- Set date - try to ensure as many on the team as possible are available (using a Doodle poll).
- Estimate number of attendees
- Think about any equipment you might need, and how to get it
- Book a room (Try to book time before and after the event is scheduled, for setup and breakdown time). Warwick central room booking system
- Write a blurb describing the purpose of the event.
- Put it up on the Events page of our website (do this as soon as you have a date/time).
- Create an online booking form.
- Put it on our calendars (both public and private ones)
- How will the event be recorded? E.g. designate a team member as 'archivist' for the day
Two weeks prior
- Order food and drink (can be amended later if numbers change significantly)
- Design poster/slide
- Start posting on Twitter and Facebook - every couple of days
- Send mass emails about the event to the following lists (on the Gendered Knowledges account): Mailing List; Departmental Mailing List; Staff. Note: If it's a small reading group-type event, it might be more appropriate to send this 1 week prior to the event.
- Send posters to team for distributing in relevant faculties/departments.
- Send poster/slide to Amy Clarke in IATL, and to PG Hub and Research Exchange for posting in respective facilities. (amy.clarke@warwick.ac.uk; pghub@warwick.ac.uk; researchexchange@warwick.ac.uk)
One week prior
- Up the Twitter and Facebook campaigns - post stuff daily.
- Send mass emails, if you haven't already.
- Write a blog post, explaining the purpose of and reasoning behind the event as well as announcing date/time etc.
1-2 days prior
- Send reminder email to Mailing List.
- Ask Anna to check numbers on online signup form.
Day of
- Make sure you have all required materials/equipment and enjoy the event!
Days following
- Send recordings/photos etc to Anna for posting on website
- Write follow-up blog post reporting and reflecting on the event (or assign someone else to do so - or both!)
- Reflect on what went well and what could have been better. Add stuff to this checklist!