Short Meditation Course
A project piloting the delivery of an interdisciplinary, experiential, innovatively assessed extra-curricular mediation short course available to UG/PGT Warwick students from all disciplines. Introducing the study and practice of mediation into the Warwick student experience will foster community relations at Warwick, improve student
experience and enhance graduate outcomes.
Students participating in the pilot will be engaging in formative role-plays and self-reflection, using well-defined assessment criteria to assess their own and others' participation. This course will therefore provide pedagogic lessons in using role play in online teaching and as a form of assessment, reflection, peer learning and peer
assessment which will be shared in many forums with those who teach at Warwick and beyond.
Read theproject output.
Jane Bryan
Dr Jane Bryan is a Reader in Warwick Law School and the Academic Lead of the Community Values Education Programme and OUP Law Teacher of the Year Finalist, Foundation Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Jane is a solicitor (non-practising) and accredited mediator and has a research interest in dialogue in its widest sense: mediation and restorative justice to resolve conflict, the importance of names in teaching and social interactions, co-creation and student voice, and peer dialogue to enhance teaching practice.