Aligning Teaching and Research Strategies for a Distinctive Chemistry Curriculum

Peter Scott

Andrew Clark
This project will impact on all students and staff in the Department of Chemistry, by creating a mode of curriculum review that focuses less on syllabus and more on alignment of the curriculum with the wider challenges and opportunities currently confronting Chemistry as a discipline and with the aspirations of our students, current and future. It seeks to identify the discourse of excellence promoted by the Department (for example world class research and facilities, contemporary research themes (sustainability, healthcare, nanotechnology etc.), international, inter- or multi-disciplinary outlook, practical skills, Royal Society of Chemistry accreditation etc.), assess how important these features are both to prospective students and to students actually on our courses and, insofar as such aspects are important, to identify where our courses are successful in delivering.
The project will be delivered by a collaborative team comprising Chemistry's Director of Research (Peter Scott), Director of Undergraduate Studies (Andrew Clark), a postgraduate/postdoctoral researcher and two undergraduate researchers.
Further information
(University of Warwick members only)