Orders in Decay, Podcast assessment for law and disorder module
I am applying for an academic fellowship to facilitate theroll-out of the podcast assessment (piloted in 2015/16 throughan IATL pedagogic intervention grant) to the full Law and Disorder module, to makethe assessmentsustainableinto the futureand to kick start a public-facing student-produced podcast seriesentitled Orders in Decay.The pilot programin 2015/16fundedsevenundergraduates takingLaw and Disorder toproduce a podcast as part of their assessment. Storyworks-UK were brought in to providespecialist training seminarswhichsupported thedevelopment of the necessary skills(alternative ways of thinking about narrative, interviewing skills and digital editing techniques).The program was a great success, with students later writing that it was a transformative experience.
The fellowship would pay forStoryworks UK to return to run a more developed set of seminarsforall of this year’sstudents.The law school has kindly reorganised my teaching, which leaves me in a position to undertake the significant extra work necessary to publish the podcasts as a series. This includes creating a website, organising an internal ethicsprocess with the School’s ethics officer,producing guidelines and monitoring IP and data protection.It also allows me time to take part in theStoryworksseminarsandproducea podcast myself.This will allow me to understand theprocess more intimately, and enable me tobetterteach these training seminars in future years.The module will be in term 2, but the project would run from term 1 to the beginning of term 3 of 2017/18.
Illan rua Wall is an Associate Professor at the Warwick Law School. He researches and teaches on the intersections between law and disorder, particularly developing interdisciplinary analyses of the various ways that law constructs, determines and intervenes in moments of disorder.