Executive Summary
This project has been designed in line with the Vision 15 Strategic Goals no. Two and Three and in keeping with IATL’s emphasis on open-space learning; interdisciplinarity; academic literacy; internationalisation; research-lead teaching and learning; and leadership in the pursuit and creation of knowledge. All the above are demonstrated in the Learning Objectives of the project which are the following:
- To develop critical thinking through interdisciplinary (literature, history, business, theatre studies) creative practice.
- To foster memorable learning through experiential, open space interventions.
- To demonstrate the process of synthesising events in order to construct a business case through non-traditional, innovative, performance based practice.
- To put learners at the forefront of their learning experience, encouraging them to take the lead in their learning process, as they will be given limited guidance regarding what is expected of them.
- To answer the key question: Is there room for creativity and innovation in Business Education (with particular reference to non-traditional teaching methodologies)?
- To pose wider, trans-historical questions like: What can business today learn from business past? What is the role of archaeology (Foucault) and history in contemporary business? In this way, students from a variety of disciplines can engage in a more holistic and inclusive learning experience, not only being immersed in diverse disciplines, but using their diverse academic backgrounds to produce a unique outcome.
- To give two undergraduate students the opportunity to act as Student-Researchers, and engage them in the creation of further knowledge through research-led learning.
The project, first and foremost, intends to enhance the student experience by means of fostering interdisciplinarity, creativity and innovation in open space environments. Bringing together students from diverse backgrounds, and asking them to take the leadership of their learning experience, the project also aims at developing their critical thinking, initiative and, ultimately, employability. Aiming to produce original research findings through the assistance of undergraduate ‘Students as Researcher’ volunteers, the project intends to enhance research-led teaching and learning. (Goal no. 2) Finally, using as a medium the history and culture of Renaissance Venice and its impact on global trade, industrialisation and globalisation, the project embeds internationalism in its very core (Goal no. 3). It is hoped, thus, that the committee will approve of and support this worthwhile initiative.