Interim Report
Current Status:
- Briefing documents produced by LTC and sent to academics.
- Specification of project and application form designed and approved by LTC and academics involved.
- Application form and specification distributed to students with details of application procedure and a deadline of two weeks received.
- Applications received and shortlisted.
- 3 students from year 1 and 2 students from year 2 were engaged to work on the project.
- Dates for work set (late August / September).
Student Response:
- 11 student applications were received, 6 from students in year 1 and 5 from students in year 2.
- A large proportion of the applications received were very short and did not evidence relevant skills and / or interest in pedagogic design.
- The students who were offered work on the project accepted with enthusiasm.
- Some students noted issues with accommodation out of term time as they did not have accommodation contracts starting until the start of term and Warwick accommodation has a minimum stay of 1 week.
Academic Response:
- 6 members of staff are section leads for the modules and are involved / responsible for the assessment design.
- Director of Student Experience is co-ordinating the response.
- Academic responses received have been very positive about working with students on curriculum design.
- Some academics have not responded or engaged to communications regarding the project therefore level of detail of information and expectations from academics supplied to students is likely to vary.
Transferable experiences:
- Two weeks is a sensible length of time for advertising and receipt of application forms.
- Application forms should include clear instructions that they should be treated as a job application with sufficient detail.
- Where possible work equating to a minimum of 1 week should be allocated.
- Communication with academics at a very early stage is advisable to give them sufficient time to brief.
Further Actions:
- Carry out student based curriculum design and recommendations.
- Evaluate academic and student involvement.