This project will recruit a team of 9 digital skills peer mentors to help and support the development of digital skills in other students. The benefits to the mentors will include improved confidence, communication skills and employability. The mentees will also benefit from immediate support within their programme as well as improved future employability.
According to an analysis reported by the UK Digital Skills Taskforce (2014) 90% of jobs require basic digital literacies (ability to find information, communicate, and to purchase goods and services). Furthermore it is estimated that over half the workforce requires digital skills that extend beyond these basic abilities. In the same report it is recommended that “Universities should offer students of all disciplines the opportunity to develop their digital skills outside of their core subject through employability awards and other schemes”. This project is aligned to this recommendation.
The Warwick Learning and Teaching Strategy (2012-17) lists one of the underpinning values as “Preparation of our students for the challenges of active citizenship, leadership and employment in the global economy”. In addition theme 5 of the strategy (Prepare students for their lives beyond Warwick) states that “we will provide opportunities for students to develop their personal confidence, to identify skills and experience they need to fulfil their career ambitions” and “increase the opportunities available to students to gain work experience”. This project supports these aims and values.