Executive Summary
The Meadow Meander project offers a series of unique living performance ecological puzzles that can be used for teaching and learning across the University’s campus. We anticipate that this project will realise some of the recommendations outlined in The Building Bridges report (2013). In particular, we intend for the Meadow Meanders to be used as ‘living laboratories’ for University staff, students and local publics. Initial ‘seeding’ funding is sought so that we can test our recruitment and public engagement strategies and our pedagogical approaches.
At this initial stage, we seek funding in order to:
- Phase 1: Pilot our ‘eco-pedagogy’ methods with a group of Warwick students, local primary and secondary schools and adult community groups in July 2014;
- Phase 2: Train a further group of Warwick students in the academic year 2014-15 so that we can offer further public trails and workshops;
- Phase 3: Consult with the student group and further Warwick staff about designing an interdisciplinary module on EfS for the academic year 2015-16.
We need financial support to fund the educational workshops with local schools and community groups. We want to offer two PhD students the opportunity to develop their pedagogical skills and, as an extra curricula activity, we would like to offer a small bursary to account for student travel costs and time. These phases are explained in detailed below in the Timescale box below.