Executive Summary
Although Warwick cherishes the ‘Research-Led Teaching’ paradigm it seems an ill-defined concept and, anecdotally, is seen rather differently by teaching and research staff, and students. These 3 groups are the stakeholders for the project and will be engaged in three phases of activity:
- Phase 1: Using a focus group approach (one for each of these groups) develop initial working definitions and associated ideas and constructs.
- Phase 2: Using the outputs of the 3 initial groups initiate a second round of focus groups to integrate working definitions, ideas and constructs.
- Phase 3: Using the outputs of Phase 2 develop an integrated engagement with the ‘Research Led Teaching’ agenda focused on student learning and experience
The project will use student facilitators where possible and the effects of the project should (initially) be felt by the bulk of WMG taught Masters students (approx. 700 to 800 per annum) and, if extended, a wide variety of students in other departments. The other stakeholders involved are staff engaged in research and staff engaged in teaching; these are vital if any ideas which come out of the work are to be effectively implemented and then methodology should help to foster inclusiveness in terms of these communities.
Support required will be in the form of incentives (food vouchers) offered to students for their participation, the cost of post-graduate facilitators to support student sessions and an external facilitator for staff focus group sessions. Catering costs will also be incurred for the sessions.