The project aims to explore how students benefit from research-led teaching, and what challenges can arise. This knowledge will be used to inform the creation of an interdisciplinary research-led module between the social sciences and humanities.
Pedagogical insights gained from the retrospective outcomes of the research can also support widening participation goals and inform future strategies through the generation of transferable pedagogic insights, in inclusiveness and diversity. Particularly in relation to working with marginalised groups (WP activities). Creating an event to debate the experiences of marginalised individuals has the potential to provide vital insight for working with marginalised groups within higher education across teaching, learning and WP. We have been in contact with Marie Diebolt, Laura Fisher, and Dr Martin Price about the uses of this project for the widening participation team. Debate outcomes surrounding useful pedagogical tools, at the collaborative event, might then be utilised through WP and Improving Access summer schools and mentoring programmes who aim to get those communities involved with the university (see the Legacy Section for more information about the collaborative event for the stakeholders).
Dr Price also felt that it is valuable for WP to understand what the long-term impact of other outreach interventions are, and how to evaluate them in ways that can be used to shape university practices. Meetings, videos, talks and papers will allow the distribution of knowledge from students and participants to others within the teaching and learning community.