Project Support
On this page, you can explore projects from our newly reconceptualized Project Support funding. To read more about Project Support or apply, explore our Project Support page
Sustainability Education as a Warwick Core Skill – Co-creating a reusable learning resource
The Employability Strategy defines 12 WCS that all Warwick UG students will develop. The Sustainability Strategy for the university includes a commitment to develop ESD. We are imagining how these two key strategic areas can come together to create the future of learning communities at Warwick.
Engaging students in research into Chinese Culture
Final-year SMLC students studying a language module in the Language Centre (worth 25% of their credits in a 3 or two language degree) are now required to undertake a ‘Culture Hour’ as part of the module. In consultation with IATL we have devised a new assessment pathway for this section of the module, involving independent research-based topic work, to be assessed via a written, video or presentation assignment.
Land of Eagles - The Boyfriend Trick
This project brings together a diverse team from across the Departments of Theatre & Performance Studies and Film & TV Studies to address an important topic of current social relevance - the human trafficking of women for the sex trade. The project brings to life stories of victims and survivors of trafficking in an innovative and creative way using audio recordings and film. The project is based on 5 audio monologues written by playwright and Theatre Studies PGR Alison Porter, which tell the story from the different perspectives of the victim/survivor, her trafficker, her mother and her case worker.
Creating a Sense of Community for Mature Students at Warwick