The Murderer
The Murderer by Clown Funeral is a show that, having travelled to the Edinburgh Fringe with the kind support of awards like the IATL Festival Fund and the Clive Barker Award, has developed into a thoughtful, funny and unusual piece of theatre ready for the professional stage. It was described by critics as ‘a joy to watch… Clown Funeral [are] a company to watch in the future’ (David Doyle, ‘subtle yet ambitious… poetic take on rehabilitation’ (Nick Awde The Stage) and as having ‘this kind of timeless NF Simpson/Pinter/Stoppard/Beckett surrealist essentialism’ (Andrew Haydon Postcards From The Gods). The run at Edinburgh has allowed us to tap into the strengths of thoughtfulness, humour, and absurdity, developing the show beyond what we have achieved in previous outings and given us confidence, and plenty of feedback, to work from as we develop the show and company with an eye to tour the show in the near future.