As a significant part of our studies of the role of story in education, we had been introduced to and instructed in the form of performed storytelling developed in the 1970’s by Mike Alfreds and the still going theatre company, Shared Experience (see also Ali Hodge and Alibi Theatre). Our exploration of this constantly developing, quick-changing form of storytelling, during the autumn term of 2015, culminated in performances in a primary school at the end of that year, which were further developed in the new-year, and workshops around the stories were created for secondary school visits. Having invested a good deal of effort in these processes, and become firm advocates of the educational potential of this form, we were keen to find other opportunities in which to demonstrate this. The Storyknowing festival in York was therefore a highly relevant forum for us. Organised by the International Centre for Arts and Narrative, it provided platforms for hugely diverse exponents of the art. We had also heard that the festival organisers were unaware that such an education in performative storytelling existed in the UK, so it was also a great opportunity to profile Warwick University’s evidently unique cultivation of the narrative form we were presenting.
Robert Soderstrand